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       the soft pitter-patter of rain soothed everyone's eardrums, that, until, a roll of thunder sound was created outside. instantly, it began pouring.

         ❝ has anyone seen brahms? ❞ a slightly panicked look filtered on [your name]'s face, her hasty eyes scanning the mob of men and women. she frowned when there wasn't any mop of sandy curls in her sight, it made her worried.

       finny attempted to lift her sullen spirit, ❝ i think he ran off to the restroom. ❞ he guessed, but it backfired when bard countered.

       ❝ the last time we saw the lad was when we were outside the pub, formulating the plan. ❞ the american stated, scratching on his faint whiskers while pondering.

a sigh emitted from her lips and she placed a hand on her forehead, ❝ he's an inquisitive boy, but at least he has and knows his morals, ❞ she confessed, though as the statement has been declared like she was reassuring herself more than the others, ❝ i'm sure he will come back. ❞ the unweariness of her cheerful smile told them otherwise.

they all exchanged questioning and doubtful glances, never daring to glimpse at her until the guard dog submitted a comforting expression, ❝ how about we all search for him? ❞ he proposed, ❝ i- me- we- we will do the best of our abilities to find him if it has to make you feel alleviated. ❞

the witch and the demon turned their backs, their shoulders rising up and down in silent laughter.

a brilliant star twinkled in her iris at the considerate offer, ❝ r-r-really? you don't have to, you know, ❞ timidity edged in her voice, allowing her to self-consciously twiddle her scarlet-colored opal, ❝ i don't want to be a nuisance. like i said, he will come back sooner or later. ❞ she anxiously raked her hairline to the end.

❝ but we will do anything to ease you, lady kirkham! ❞ the gardener's determination caught her off-guard, ❝ we don't want you to be worried. ❞ a tender grin sat on his face.

         mey-rin adjusted her spectacles, one of the lenses captured a reflection of light, ❝ finny is right, yes he is! ❞ she exclaimed, copying the same hopeful persistence.

❝ we'll get your sweetheart, ❞ bard, in a brotherly manner, patted her head, ❝ i'm sure of it. ❞

ciel coughed on his fist, ❝ unfortunately, it's raining outside, ❞ he viewed at the droplets that caressed on the panes, ❝ the best decision is to retire, we will begin seeking tomorrow. ❞

relaxation cascaded on her features, the weight has now been pulled off her shoulders. but when sebastian started to speak, it began to stiff her back.

❝ then we may as well proceed to our assigned bedrooms. veronica will apprise the allocated pair that will be sharing chambers. ❞ he then left without saying another word, leaving the others perplexed except the other said witch-butler.

she clapped her hands in the air in a primary-like motion, ❝ lord phantomhive will be sharing with lady kirkham, bard and finny are in the same room while we, women, ❞ she gestured towards herself and mey-rin, ❝ are capable of owning an individual room. ❞

[your name] craned her neck to the side, a flabbergasted expression painted on her features, ❝ don't you think it's a bit unfair for me to be in the same quarters as him? perhaps we can make arrangements? ❞ mentally, she was formidably challenged at this point. since she wanted to gain information from that alois earl trancy, might as well comply his desire by getting closer to the ring.

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