Chapter 1

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January 1964

Truman balcony

The First Couple took their seats on the private balcony. 

"It will be good to see de Gaulle again" Jackie smiled, clutching her husband's hand, as they seated themselves. 

"Yeah, good for you! He's charmed by you. Probably hates me" Jack scoffed. Jackie giggled. "He'll only hate you if you make him" Jackie told her husband. He looked at her. He was proud with her way of words. 

"I'm proud of you" Jack smiled, holding his wife's hand. They looked at each other. They loved each other deeply since Jack nearly died, the winter the year before. And their love, would get them through the events of the  year. Especially Jack's 2nd and final re-election campaign. 

The First Couple gazed into one another's eyes. They went to kiss until they heard the trumpets sounding. De Gaulle was arriving. The First Couple watched on as de Gaulle's car entered onto the South Lawn. Then the parade started. 

The French people have always been friendly towards the people of Scotland. So Jackie, to bring back that tradition, invited the Black Watch Regiment to perform for de Gaulle. Not only that, but Jack liked their performances too. 

Diplomatic Reception Room

After the hour long welcome parade, the First Couple headed inside, as did De Gaulle. They went downstairs to the Diplomatic Reception Room to greet their friend. 

Upon entering, the First Couple walked towards the radiant Frenchman. 

"It's is wonderful to see you again Mr President" De Gaulle shook Jack's hand then onto Jackie. "Mrs Kennedy" he bowed to her as if she was a Queen. "President de Gaulle, welcome to the White House". Jack and the French President strolled out the room, with Jackie walking close behind. 

She giggled as she heard Jack comment, "I think you'll like it here. Jackie has made this house into the Elysee". De Gaulle laughed. Jackie's heart ached. She loved it when Jack made witty remarks about her. It was one of the things she loved about him. 

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