Chapter 17

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Otis Air Force Base

The First Couple entered the base holding hands. 

"Mr President". All the airmen saluted their President before one led them to the door onto the runway, where Air Force One sat. They boarded the plane.

Air Force One private cabin

"The flight won't be over for just over 2 hours so I'll change later on" Jackie told her husband. He nodded. He watched as she disappeared into the private bedroom. No doubt she would be going to lie down. He was correct. 

After the plane took off, Jack looked over his schedule for New York before going to join his wife. "Hey bunny", Jackie yawned. Jack got under the covers and snuggled into his wife. It was some well deserved rest after the fun weekend they had just enjoyed.

Packed with water-skiing, sailing, swimming and dining intimate family meals; it was a time the Kennedys enjoyed. 

After sleeping for 40 minutes, the First couple freshened up and Jackie changed into her outfit. For the first day in her hometown, she decided to wear the pink suit. "I don't care if it causes controversy. If the public have complaints on what I wear, they aren't wanted or needed" Jackie made it firm. 

Jack agreed. 

Together they sat on the sofa in the private cabin and looked over over the state Connecticut. "Jack" Jackie hesistated. Jack looked at his wife. "Jack, I was meaning to ask you, next year in the summer, could we maybe not go to the Cape. But get a house in Newport instead?" Jackie asked. 

"Of course" Jack sounded keen. Jackie explained it had been on her mind for sometime. Jack immediately agreed. Whatever made Jackie happy was the main thing. 

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