Chapter 34

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Cabinet Room

The Cabinet rose from their seats. 

"Mr President" They said in unison. Jack nodded before sitting down. They all discussed the letter. "And can we clarify this is a true statement?" Jack asked. Robert McNamara nodded. "Yes sir. We had it wired to us this morning from Agent Stanley McFarlane". 

Jack asked for more information. General Bennett gave him it. 

"He's one of the CIA Agents based in Cuba, under a fake ID sir. After the Cuban Missle Crisis. He is close to Castro and he is also an inspector for cargo coming into the island". Jack seemed satisfied. "Bobby do you know anything about this?" Bobby shook his head. 

"No" Bobby sighed. "I don't deal with foreign policy". Jack nodded before looking at the letter from Agent McFarlane again. He didn't know whether to take the letter's word for it, nor not. 

1 hour later...

The Cabinet had discussed emergency operations if the letter would be true. And also Bennett was put in charge to investigate the agent's background and his CIA career. Suddenly Bundy burst through the door. 

"Mr President, we've had another letter from Cuba" Bundy announced. "Is it from the same CIA agent?" Bobby asked, pointing at the piece of paper. Bundy shook his head. This time it came from another agent; Agent Thomas Sparks. Bundy read it outloud. It said:

President Kennedy Cabinet, 

I work alongside the agent you received a letter from earlier today, Agent Stanley McFarlane. We are both close agents to Fidel Castro. I can confirm the plot to attack the White House by Cuban soliders, is true. In the meetings with Castro today, the operation is being debated. According Castro's main advisors, he hopes to have it complete in roughly a week. 

Jack's heart raced. He knew, if Castro could get the White House, he could get anywhere in America. Jack read the letter before going to the window. He gazed out to the Washington Monument. "What actions do you want to take sir?" McNamara (Bob) asked. Jack sighed. This would be tough. The slightest wrong decision could pend the fate of not only himself but his family and staff. 

"Reply to the agents and tell them to keep me notified. Make sure these letters don't get leaked until this whole crisis is over". Bundy nodded before hurrying out the room again. Jack opened the door and dismissed the Cabinet leaving him and Bobby. 

Oval Office

"God that was exhausting" Jack rubbed his eyes, sitting behind his desk. Bobby nodded in agreement. "Does uh.." Bobby started. "Does Jackie know?". 

Jack remembered. He knew Jackie would be returning from New York in a matter of days. By that time, Castro could have struck the White House and killed everyone inside. He would need to tell her. "No not yet. She will know, before it's too late". Bobby flopped onto the sofa. Jack picked up the phone, he dialled the number of the Kennedy suite in the Carlyle Hotel. 

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