|1 - Time Flies|

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If you'd told me two years ago that I'd be on the way to my brother figure's concert with Alyssa, her girlfriend, and my boyfriend, I'd think you were a little crazy. However, life is crazy and there we all were, jamming in the car on our mini road trip. Two years is a long time, so let me get you up to speed.

Ethan and I's first two years of college at UCLA flew by. The first year was the hardest, but the second wasn't so bad. We took a leap of faith and got an apartment together close to campus before our junior year started, which was a month and a half ago. I quit my job at Starbucks and started working at the skate shop with Ethan, who had been promoted to assistant manager. A proud girlfriend I was.

Alyssa took things over at her parents' store and business was off the chain. She moved into a place not too far from the old one, but a little smaller in size. She and Yasmin had been official for about a year and some months, and they were always together. It made me happy to see Alyssa so happy. She definitely deserved it.

Adonis was living his very best life. One of Ethan's friends from college named Pozzi produced music. He was pretty damn good at it. Adonis and Pozzi met through Ethan and Adonis recorded some of the songs he'd written. The two of them posted the audio up on social media and YouTube and hella people enjoyed it. They liked his music so much that we were all piled in Ethan's car to go see him perform on tour! Crazy, right?

"Drive faster, you slug!" I teased Ethan as he drove down the nearly empty road.

"Slow down there, buckaroo. We're doin' the speed limit," Ethan imitated Spongebob, making me giggle, "It won't be much longer, baby."

I turned my head slightly to view the backseat, "Lys, can you pass me a pack of fruit snacks?" All I could hear was the smacking of her and Yasmin's lips together. "Never mind... I'll grab 'em," I reached around for my bag and pulled it onto my lap. I found the snacks within three seconds and ate some.

Ethan's eyes flickered back and forth from the road to me.

"What?" I asked, chewing. He opened his mouth and tilted his head toward me a bit. "Fine," I put my last two fruit snacks in his mouth and he grinned as he ate them.

"Thank you! I love you."

I scrunched my nose, "I love you too, snack thief." A few more minutes of driving got us to the venue. Ethan parked the car and the lovers in the backseat finally pulled away from one another.

"We're here already?" Alyssa asked, looking around.

"Yeah, so come on you two."


Since we had special passes, we got backstage pretty quickly and easily. Donny had no idea we were even there, so we kinda hid off to the side of the stage until it was time for him to come out. We could see the whole stage and a bit of the audience from where we were.

I clasped my hands together, "I'm so excited!"

"Me too!" Alyssa squealed. The lights got just a bit dimmer and the crowd started to go a little crazy. "Oh shit, there he is!"

"What's up, everybody?!" Donny exclaimed into the microphone and screams erupted from the theater. The backtrack for his song "Scared of Heights" started playing and visuals popped up on the huge screens behind him. Once he grabbed that mic and started singing, we all went nuts.

"But I'm never satisfied, yeah

Keep my feelings on the side, yeah

Getting high until I fly, yeah

But now I'm scared of heights."

"He wrote this song about me!" Ethan said into my ear.

"I don't think it's literally about being afraid of heights, Eth!" I laughed. He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around me as we both swayed to the beat of the song.


"Thanks for coming out! Goodnight everybody!" Adonis screamed and started to jog off of the stage in our direction.

"Shit, here he comes!" I yelled and everybody got in position. As soon as Donny made his way down the small staircase next to us, we jumped out, "SURPRISE!"

Adonis' eyes got huge and he put his hand over his chest, "You scared the shit outta me!" He smiled and wrapped his arms around all of us at once, "When did you guys get here? I missed you rascals so much!"

"We drove up earlier today. Couldn't miss your closest show to home," Ethan said as we all pulled away, "We missed you too."

"I have a little time before I have to be back on the road. You guys wanna go get something to eat?"

"Hell yeah," we all replied.


"Stop stealing my French fries!" I whined at Donny.

"Now what kind of brother would I be if I stopped?" he grinned mischievously and ate my fry.

"Eat Alyssa's!"

"You better not! I'll bite your finger off," Alyssa said and moved her tray away from him. We all chuckled at her and kept eating.

"How many more months until you're back home, Donny?" Yasmin asked.

"A couple, we have quite a few shows left. The next one's in D.C."

"Ooh, can you punch Trump for me?" I asked, causing Donny to chuckle.

"I'll see what I can do, Harpie."


When we were back at the concert venue, and it was time to say goodbye to Adonis, I started to get sad. We wouldn't see him for months and I missed his annoying ass being around.

"Don't worry guys, I'll see you in no time," Donny gave us all individual hugs and he ruffled my hair. We waved him off as he hopped on his tour bus. The big purple bus drove off and I sighed.

"Welp, time to go," Alyssa said. We boarded back up in Ethan's car and started on our hour-long journey back home.

A/N: That was a short ass break, but I couldn't wait to start uploading!

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