|3 - Books And The Boys|

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The library was Ethan and I's go-to place to study together. We'd spent countless hours there cramming, meeting up with friends, fucking (it was one time... I think? Okay, twice... maybe), and just chilling. We were sitting in our favorite spot: at the back table.

I opened up my textbook and flipped to the page written in my notes. Ethan was typing something out on his computer already and by the looks of it, he was deep in. I started reading the information on my book's pages and writing everything I didn't know.

"I hate this class," I sighed as I wrote.

Ethan peeked over his laptop for a second, "Math?"

"Yeah, I'm terrible at it."

He shrugged, "I failed algebra in high school."

"Same. Guess I can't ask you for help then."

"Sorry, baby," he chuckled quietly and kept typing. I did some practice questions in my notebook, fucking up a few times. I finally got the hang of things and moved on to my next subject: sociology.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to study before I got to college, but that changed sophomore year. My English professor assigned us to write a paper on one of three topics she'd given. Marketing and finance seemed hella boring, so I picked social work. I ended up getting really interested in it and got an A on the paper. A few months later, I declared it as my major. I'd managed to keep all good grades in Sociology.

Ethan was majoring in psychology. I'd expected him to major in something like business, considering he basically had one, but he was actually super into psychology and was doing pretty damn good in his classes. We had a few similar courses to take which made it easier for us to study together.

I didn't have much work to do for my sociology class, and math was a no go, so I just closed my books. I scooted my chair next to Ethan's and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You alright, babe?" he asked and focused on me instead of his work.

"Yeah, just got bored with math."

"I'm almost done with this. Then we can go and get food, okay?"

I nodded, "Yay, I need food."

"You always need food," he chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"You're right, so finish this really quick," I said and he nodded. Ethan went back to typing and I sat there with my head still rested on him.

"Trying to figure out how to end this paper is stressing me out," Ethan sighed, "It might take a little bit longer than expected."

"Can I help?"

"It's based around my last few lectures. You'd have to read a bunch of articles," He shook his head, "It's okay, I'll figure it out."

I sighed, "Okay, babe."

Ethan was stressing over his assignment for a while. He'd type something then delete it because he didn't like how it sounded, or because it didn't make sense. I didn't like it when he was stressed out. I could fix that... I trailed my eyes from his computer screen to his lap. I slowly moved my hand onto his thigh and he turned his head to glance at me.

"What're you doing?"

"Oh, nothing. Don't mind me, just keep working."

"Okay..." he replied. I drew circles on his leg and trailed my fingertips up to the band of his sweatpants. "Harper..."

"Focus on your paper," I slid my hand down into his sweats and boxers, grabbing his length. He was already hard, and his eyes were hooded heavier than before. Ethan's eyes widened and darted all around the library when I started stroking him softly.

"Somebody's gonna see you," he warned.

"The front of the table is blocked off and nobody's even back here..." I smirked and sat up straight, sliding under the table. Ethan tried to stop me by grabbing my arm, but I was already between his legs.

"Harper, no!" Ethan whisper-yelled as I freed him from his bottoms, "You're gonna get ca- AUght- fuck." I was already teasing him with my tongue and hand. "How am I s-supposed to get done with this- mmph- if you're sucking- holy shit."

I pulled away for a second, "Just try, okay?"

"Okay," I heard him whisper back. I worked him in and out of my mouth slowly. I could hear the computer keys clicking off and on, but the typing stopped every time I sped up or twisted my hand around him. Ethan let out quiet grunts and I could hear his breaths get heavier.

"Yo, Ethan!" I heard a familiar voice call out semi quietly, considering we were in a library. I pulled away from what I was doing and my heart started to race. I recognized the voice as Pozzi's. He and Ethan had met freshman year and got pretty close.

"Hey, man. What's up with you two?" Ethan greeted him and someone else in a chill manner, despite the fact that I was under the table with his situation in my hand.

"Nothin' much," Pozzi replied, "I just wanted to let you know about a party my boy Diego is throwing tomorrow night. You should come out, it's gonna be hype."

"Yeah, bring Harper and Ronnie with you too," said the mystery person, revealed to be Ethan's other friend, Jason. Pozzi, Ethan, and Jason were the Unstoppable Three. They were always getting into shit together and causing a fuss everywhere they went, especially at parties. When Adonis was with them they were the human versions of the "Me and the Boys" memes. Oh lord, if Jason and Pozzi found out I was under the table doing what I was, we'd never hear the end of it. "Where is Harper?"

"She, uh, went to the restroom," Ethan replied shakily because I'd taken him back into my mouth.

"You ok, dude?" Pozzi asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Text m-me the info for the- the party."

"Alright, weirdo. We'll catch you later," Jason chuckled and I heard their footsteps trail off into the distance.

"Y-you're gonna pay for this, Harp," Ethan breathed out. I increased my efforts and he gripped the underside edge of the table, groaning quietly. He tapped my shoulder repeatedly, signaling that he was close, and I went harder. He whispered, "Shit, shit, shit!" and released into my mouth, gripping my hair tightly.

I swallowed and tucked him back into his bottoms, making him jump a little. I peeked my head up from under the table and smirked at him. He looked down at me and shook his head, smiling lazily. I slid back into my seat.

"You're something else, Harper," he said, his breaths slightly uneven still.

"What can I say?" I smirked and pecked his cheek, "You were stressed, so I de-stressed you." He blushed. "Can we go get food now?"

"Well shit, I'm definitely relaxed now," Ethan said, "And yeah, I'll just finish this later." He shut his laptop, "I need a second though, I think you stole my soul."

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