|21 - Testing The Waters|

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Spring Break: Day One

"I got this icebox where my heart used to be!" I sang at the top of my lungs. I was piled in a truck Pozzi rented with him, Ethan, Alyssa, Yasmin, and Donny. We had touched down in Florida an hour before and were on the way to a hotel for our spring break vacation.

"I'm so cold, I'm so cold, I'm so cold!" Alyssa, Donny, and Ethan belted out the supporting vocals. Yasmin was recording us and Pozzi was nodding his head to the beat while he drove.

Halfway through the song, I looked out of the window. We were finally arriving at the hotel we'd be staying in for five days.

"We have arrived!" Pozzi called out and turned the music off. Everybody was all smiles when we pulled up in front of the inn. "Letting y'all off here. I'm gonna park after you have all of the bags and I'll meet you inside."

"Alright," Ethan said and opened his car door. I hopped out along with him and pulled my seat up to let Alyssa and Yasmin out of the back. Donny got out of the passenger's seat and we all grabbed our bags out of the trunk. Ethan closed the trunk and waved Pozzi off.

We all walked into the hotel and up to the front desk. Our room keys got assigned pretty quickly. Alyssa and Yasmin shared a room, Ethan and I shared one, and Pozzi and Donny had their own rooms. Pozzi ran inside a few minutes later and checked in right after us.

"So, what's first?" Yasmin asked.

"Food, I hope," I said. We'd hadn't eaten since we got off of the plane, which was a couple of hours before, and I was starving again.

"Food sounds fan-fucking-tastic," Donny agreed.

"They have a restaurant on this floor," Pozzi informed us, making me happy as hell, "How about we get our luggage settled and come back down here in 20?"

"Bet," Alyssa nodded. We grabbed said luggage and found the elevator. It was huge so we all managed to fit in there. All of our rooms were on the same floor, which was pretty convenient. Ethan and I had room '308', so we stopped at that one. Donny groaned and stopped at the door next to ours.

"Great, I guess I have to hear Ethan moan in his sleep for the next four days," he said with his nose scrunched. Ethan mocked his facial expression and unlocked our door. I giggled to myself and followed him into our room.

The first thing I noticed when I shut the door behind us was the big ass bed in the center of the room. It looked comfy as fuck. Ethan set our things aside and I faceplanted onto the bed. I sighed happily and snuggled into the soft comforter.

Ethan chuckled and he plopped next to me on the bed, "You like?"

"I love," I mumbled into the covers and turned my head to look at him.

"Good," he smiled and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

I sat up next to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I love you."

His smile grew, "I love you too."


It'd been a few hours since we'd eaten and the squad was chilling in Pozzi's room.

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