|22 - How It Should Be|

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I had those tingles the entire way back to our hotel room.

"I'll start the shower," Ethan said and kissed my forehead. I nodded and watched him go into the bathroom. I peeled out of my bathing suit and set it on top of a towel from one of our bags. "It's rea- woah," Ethan paused when he saw that I was standing there naked.

I smirked and passed by him, stepping into the shower. He was just standing in the door frame, staring at me. I raised a brow, "You gonna just stand there or get in?"

The shocked expression on his face remained, "A-are you sure?"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him in with me, "Yes. It's just a shower." He nodded and slipped his swimming trunks off. I didn't want to scare him off, especially that soon, so I wasn't gonna make too big of a move yet. We'd take a normal shower... but after that, I wanted something more.

After showering, we dried off in the room. Ethan grabbed some boxers out of his suitcase and slipped them on while I fixed my hair into a messy bun. He tossed me one of his shirts and a pair of my shorts to put on. I caught the items and held them in my hand. Just go for it, Harper!

"What's wrong?" Ethan asked, probably because I was just standing there. Fuck it. I tossed the clothes back into the suitcase and went up to press my lips to his. I pulled him backward until the backs of my knees touched the bed. I kissed him harder and grazed over the band of his underwear with my fingertips. He pulled away slightly and stilled my hands.

"We don't have to do this," he whispered, looking into my eyes, "Or anything."

"Please, Ethan," I begged. I figured this would happen, but I finally had the courage to make a move. I wanted him and I was ready. "Please..." He looked deeper into my eyes before responding.

"If you get uncomfortable, promise you'll tell me," he sighed and stuck his pinky out, "And I mean the second you get uncomfortable."

I wrapped my finger around his, "I promise." I threw my arms around his neck and he gripped the backs of my thighs. I jumped to wrap my legs around him and he kissed me as he lowered us both onto the bed. I tried to grind into him but he stopped me. "Ethan, you said-"

"Tonight is gonna be all about you," he cut me off and pressed his lips onto my neck a few times, "Let me make you feel good."

I nodded and he trailed kisses from my lips to my belly button. He spent extra time kissing my lower stomach and my inner thighs. I started pouting when his kisses got extremely close to my heat. He looked up at me before he started using his tongue slowly. I sighed and my entire body relaxed.

I hadn't had his magical tongue in months, so the pleasure was pretty intense. I was already getting close less than a minute in, and I didn't want it to end so soon. I tried my hardest to hold on, moving away a bit. That just made Ethan try harder. He got a grip on my thighs and held me still so I had no choice but to take the pleasure.

My toes curled into his back and I gripped his hair when I came, moaning and cursing. The feeling rippled throughout my entire body; I felt liberated and happy. When I was coming down, I had the biggest smile on my face. Yes! I was so fucking proud of myself. Ethan grinned and moved up to pull me into his arms.

That was how it was supposed to be. Soft, slow, and natural. Not forced, rushed, and harsh. And that made all the difference.


Spring Break: Day Two

The next day the gang took a trip to the beach in Daytona. We'd spent our time there swimming in the waves, petting dogs, and eating ice cream. The huge water gun fight we got in was by far the best part of that day, though.

Ethan and I were the only ones in our beach chairs. Alyssa and Yasmin were playing with dogs near the lifeguard tower, Donny was in the bathroom with Ethan's weed vape, and Pozzi was flirting with a lifeguard. Ethan said his hair (which had grown out) was getting in his way and on his nerves, so I was sitting behind him on a beach chair braiding it.

"Ouch!" Ethan whined, "Be gentle, Harp."

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm on the last one," I finished up the braid I was on and put a rubber band at the end, "All done." The first thing he did was pull out his phone and go to his camera.

"Holy shit," he smirked, "I look like a daddy."

I snorted quietly and giggled into the crook of his neck, "Very daddy-ish."

He laughed himself, "But really, thanks, baby."

I kissed his cheek, "Of course." I could see Donny jogging toward us out of my peripheral.

"Jesus, what happened to your hair?" Donny chuckled and Ethan made a face at him. Donny pulled his phone out and snapped a picture of us while Ethan flipped the camera off. After he took the picture, Adonis plopped down onto an empty beach chair and laid back. I got on Ethan's lap.

"Where's my pen, D?" Ethan asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh, yeah, here," Donny mumbled and handed it to him. Ethan took a few hits off of it and blew the vapor away from me. Fuck, the tingles were back again. He tucked the pen into our beach bag and laid back, pulling me down on top of him and shutting his eyes.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one that thought my boyfriend was hot. I noticed that a couple of girls seated not too far away from us were making heart-eyes at him.

I raised a brow and looked at Ethan, "Baby?"

He blinked his eyes open, "Hmm?" I gripped his chin and turned his head gently before connecting our lips. He gripped my waist and kissed me back harder. I pulled away seconds later and Ethan grinned. "What was that for?"

"Just wanted a kiss. Go ahead and rest," I pecked his lips one more time and he smiled as he shut his eyes. I looked back up at the staring girls and smirked. They both frowned and turned the other way. Hmph, serves 'em right.

I snuggled my head under Ethan's chin and watched people frolic across the sand until I drifted into my own nap.

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