|36 - Singing In The Shower|

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"Baby, I'm gonna hop in the shower," Harper said, peeking her head into my room, "You gotta use the bathroom or anything first?"

"No, go ahead," I replied. She nodded and walked off, leaving the door cracked. We'd been jumping back and forth between our rooms; sleeping in hers for a few days, then mine and the cycle repeated every week. We were planning on getting our own place before junior year started so we could have one designated bedroom.

I went back to what I was doing — reading a book — and I heard Harper's music start playing from another room. It was a little distracting so I got up to close my door, but I stopped once I heard her singing along. She sounded amazing.

I wished she'd sung around me more, and not just to certain parts of a song in the car. She'd get shy when I'd acknowledge how great she sounded and would stop altogether, to my dismay. Screw it, I thought and put the book aside. It was time to do what I'd resorted to.

I stepped outside of my room and thankfully, the bathroom door was shut. Alyssa wasn't home, per the usual, so I didn't have to worry about her teasing me for what I'd been doing. I took a few steps up to the bathroom door and heard Harper singing along with one of her favorite songs.

I couldn't help but grin. If we weren't showering together, that's what I'd be doing— listening. I stood against the wall and slid down into a seated position for my personal concert. I cursed that shower head; I was jealous of the piece of metal. It got the best seat in the house every time.

Harper's voice was so relaxing. I shut my eyes and just let those perfectly formed notes bless my ears. She could put the most irritable of babies to sleep with a voice like hers. I wasn't an irritable baby, but it was working on me too.

I don't remember how long I was asleep for, but it must've been awhile. I felt someone shaking my shoulder and I jumped awake.

"I'm sorry," Harper said softly.

I shook my head and stood up, "It's fine."

"What were you doing out here?" she asked. The shower was off and she was dressed in pjs already.

"I, uh... I was..." Shit, I didn't wanna weird her out and say why. What if she stopped singing in the shower? I'd fucked myself over when I fell asleep, but that was the power her voice had over me. Ugh. Fuck it. I wasn't gonna lie to her. "I was listening to you sing."

Her eyes widened and I could see the faintest shade of red taking over her cheeks. "Y-you heard all of that?"

I nodded, "Yes, and you sounded amazing. You always do. I know you're shy about it sometimes, but I really love it when you sing."

Harper pursed her lips, "Love it so much that you fell asleep?"

"It was able to relax me enough to fall asleep," I said in all seriousness, "And that's saying something."

"It was that good?"

I put my hands on her shoulders, "No, baby. More than good. I wish I didn't have to sit outside the bathroom to hear it."

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