|33 - That's My Girl|

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I took a deep breath and released it with the biggest smile. Finals were over, and so was junior year! With the way things had gone months prior, I honestly didn't expect to finish the school year off. Especially not with A's, B's, and C's!

I sent Ethan a text to let him know my last exam was done, getting a quick reply.

My Love 🥵💘

Good, baby
How do you think it went?

It went way better than expected
I'll tell you that.
Pretty sure I passed!

That's my girl ❤️
Hold on for a second

Just as I was about to send another reply, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, baby!" I grinned widely at Ethan, "What're you doing here still? Your finals were over hours ago."

He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead, "Wanted to be here to congratulate you when you got out. I am so proud of you, Harper."

I hugged him tighter, "Thank you, so much." I pulled away slightly to look at him, "Enough about me. How did your finals go?"

He smirked, "Let's just say I made them my bitch."

"Carl Gallagher style?" I giggled and he nodded, "Fuck, I'm proud of you. I love you."

"I love you too, babygirl," he smiled and ran his hands up and down my sides a little. Jesus, take the wheel. "Wish I could congratulate you more."

I tapped my lips, "Who says you can't...?"


"Yes, fuck," I moaned into the comforter on our bed. Ethan was doing a pretty good job at congratulating me (and I'd done a pretty good job congratulating him too, if you know what I mean).

I was lying flat on my stomach and Ethan was sliding into me from behind. His forearms were rested on either side of my head and I could hear his low groans and breaths in my ear. He pushed into me harder, making me fist the covers and curse again.

"Shit," I heard him mutter under his breath. I felt my hair lift off of my neck and he tugged on it before kissing underneath my ear. I was so in the moment until one of our loud ass phones started ringing. "Fuck," he sighed and slowed down.

"Who is it?" I asked breathily, turning my head to peek at whichever phone it was; mine.


"I'll call him back later," I shook my head. He silenced the call and repositioned himself. Ethan worked his rhythm back up and then that damn phone started ringing again.

"Okay, we're putting our phones on DND next time we have sex."

I sighed and reached out to grab my phone from the nightstand, "Help me up." Without pulling out, Ethan guided me back by my hips until he was sitting on his heels and I was on his lap. I pressed the green button to accept the call and put it on speaker before tossing the phone on the bed.

"Yo, Harper!" Pozzi chirped into the receiver.

"Hey, Pozz," I said, trying to match his energy even though my vibe was dying, "What's up?"

"Have you seen how many views 'Friends' has on YouTube? It's almost at 500k!"

After a few days of me wanting to kill Donny, his Live getting reposted over and over, and hundreds of comments asking me to upload an "official" version of the song, I finally put it up on my YouTube channel. More people than I thought were enjoying it; I was a bit overwhelmed. I never expected anyone to like something I'd put out, which is why I hadn't released it in the first place.

My eyes went wide and I turned my head to look at Ethan. He was smiling from ear to ear, his cheeks up high.

I looked back down at the phone in shock, "Holy shit, 500? That's-" Ethan caught me off guard when he gripped my waist and lifted me up slightly, pulling me back down on him. "-T-that's amazing..."

"Yeah, it's blowing the hell up. We gotta celebrate!"

I bit my lip to hold back a moan because Ethan was still helping me ride him, "Yeah... totally."

"We can do something tonight since finals are over. Where's Ethan?"

While Pozz was talking, Ethan pushed forward so that I could be on all fours, and he started stroking slowly. He arched my back for me and I rested my weight on my forearms.

"Fo-for sure," I tried my hardest to say calmly. I glanced over my shoulder at Ethan, who was focused on what he was doing, "He, uh, he's off doing something right now." Yeah, doing me.

"Oh, okay. Let me know what we're doin' later!" he replied and Ethan started thrusting faster. Good lord.

"O-okay, bye!" I rushed out and hung up before burying my head into a pillow. If I hadn't hung up then, Pozz would've been getting a live porn show over the phone.

Ethan chuckled breathily, "What am I off doing, hmm?"

"Fuck you," I breathed out and he slammed into me harder, making me gasp, "Oh!"

A/N: Surprise! 🖤

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