|25 - Autobots, Roll Out!|

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"What's next, guys?" Yasmin asked once we were far away from the gift shop, "We're flying back home tomorrow. We gotta do somethin' fun."

"We could go to the pier; it feels pretty good out," Donny suggested.

"Yeah, we can just sit and chill for a while. They probably have a carnival or something going on," Ethan said and cleared his throat loudly. I gave him a look. "Oh, no, that wasn't supposed to mean anything. Just have a tickle in my throat."

"You want some water?" I asked and he nodded. I pulled a bottle of water out of his bag and handed it to him.

"Thank you."

"So, we goin' to the pier? Cause we'd better leave now. The truck is pretty far," Alyssa reminded us.

"Yep, Autobots, roll out!" Pozzi imitated Optimus Prime, causing everyone to laugh or facepalm. We started walking and Ethan cleared his throat again, slightly harder. I squeezed his hand.

He raised his brows and shook his water bottle near my face, "I'm fine, Harp."

"Okay, okay," I leaned up to kiss him and then we kept on walking. He turned his hat so that it was backwards and I smirked to myself. Hot. We strolled on down the block and Ethan started coughing a bit. I gave him another look.

"My throat is itchy still, it's fine."

"I wonder what could be causing it."

He shrugged, "I dunno. Maybe pollen or something."

"Drink some more water," I suggested. He took another swig of his water and swallowed pretty hard, like it was difficult for him to do so. I noticed that he was breathing a little harder than normal too, wheezing almost. I stopped him in the middle of the sidewalk and turned him to face me, "Ethan, maybe you should sit down. You seem winded."

"Harper, I'm-"

"Please just sit down for a few minutes," I pleaded and he sighed. I turned to look at everyone else and noticed they were still walking, "Hey! Guys!" They turned around with confused faces and I waved them over. I pulled Ethan over to a bench and had him sit down. He pulled his backpack off and set it aside.

"What's goin' on?" Pozzi asked as they all came up to us.

"Ethan doesn't feel good."

"I'm fine," Ethan rasped.

"You don't sound fine," Yasmin pointed out. He sounded like he had to force his statement out. "And you're a bit pale."

"He was just fine before we went into the gift shop," Donny noted.

"He says his throat is itchy," I mentioned.

Pozzi ran a hand through his hair, "Allergic reaction maybe?"

Yasmin furrowed her brows, "What could he have gotten into?"

"The only thing he's really allergic to is peanuts," I clarified, "And he's only had a burrito, ice cream, and water." I looked down at Ethan and he was breathing harder, so I sat next to him and rubbed his back. He was really starting to worry me.

"What kind of ice cream was it?" Yasmin questioned Ethan.

"Didn't read the name," he wheezed, "Just looked good..."

"Shit," Alyssa whisper-yelled and gripped the roots of her hair, "Shit, shit."

I looked at her worriedly, "What? What's wrong?"

"I read the menu. That sundae had crushed peanuts in it," she said shakily and I visibly tensed, "I didn't know he was allergic and I thought he'd read the ingredients!"

"Oh my god," I breathed out, "He ate the whole thing!" I was freaking out and everyone else was starting to freak out too. I turned Ethan's head toward mine, "Stick out your tongue." He did as told and I could see that his throat was swelling. "Fuck-"

"D-doesn't he have one of those EpiPen things for when this happens?" Alyssa questioned. I rummaged through Ethan's bag and my own, not finding it. Goddammit!

"It's back at the hotel," I rushed out and stood up, "That's too far away. We have to get him to the hospital."

"Shit," Donny knelt in front of Ethan, "Can you walk?"

Ethan cleared his throat again, "I'm dizzy..." Donny stood back up and helped him off of the bench. Ethan threw one arm over Donny's shoulder and the other over Pozzi's. We frantically headed toward the truck. When we were almost there, Ethan couldn't hold himself up anymore, so Pozz and Donny lifted his legs and carried him the rest of the way.

Alyssa and Yasmin got in the back of the truck quickly and the guys got Ethan into the middle. I got in next to him and helped get his seatbelt on before I tossed his hat aside. Ethan leaned on me and I tried to get him to stay upright. Pozzi put the nearest hospital's location in the GPS and we took off.

Ethan was wheezing and practically gasping for air. His lips were turning blue.

"Pozzi, hurry up!" I cried, "He can't breathe!" Pozzi sped up and Donny looked back with worry all over his face.

"Hang in there, E!"

By the time we got to Emergency, Ethan's breathing was very shallow. Donny and Pozz jumped out of the truck and ran inside. I tried to sit Ethan up and I managed to get his seatbelt unbuckled. Two EMTs ran out to the truck with a stretcher and Pozzi helped them get Ethan's nearly limp body onto it.

I jumped out of the car and followed behind them as they wheeled him inside. Donny was right by my side. The doctors started asking us questions about what'd happened and I was in too much of a panic to answer any of them.

Donny spoke up, "H-he's allergic to peanuts. He ate a sundae with some in it. We didn't know it contained peanuts." The doctor asked Ethan to stick his tongue out and he did the best he could.

The doctor flashed a light into his mouth, "His airway is almost closed." That piece of information made me panic even more. They started wheeling him down a hallway and through two doors. I ran after him but Donny and a nurse pulled me back.

"Stop, I have to go with him!" I cried and Donny lifted me off of the ground. I fought to get out of his grip but I couldn't. "Please!"

"Harper," Donny said, pulling me further away from where they'd taken Ethan. I kept fighting to get free. "Harper! Stop! Please."

I flailed a few more times before giving up. I just sobbed and eventually, Adonis put me in a seat in the waiting room.

I buried my head in my hands and sobbed, "This is all my fucking fault!"

Donny sighed and rubbed my back, "It's not your fault, Harper." He wrapped his arm around me and I cried into his chest. "It's not your fault."

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