|37 - Starstruck|

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Two and a half week's worth of thinking...

And I hadn't decided on what I wanted. Mrs. Townley had made it clear that I could sign the deal whenever I was ready, but I was still wary of the possible outcomes. Uncertain and anxious.

I was sure about one thing; I wanted to keep recording songs. The process had grown on me and I loved being able to express myself through music. I'd been writing again, with the help of Alyssa and Pozz, and we'd made some fire in the studio. However, I didn't upload it, and I made Donny promise not to upload it either (I only trusted him with the audio because he pinky swore not to).

I wasn't uneasy knowing Adonis had access to the song because he didn't have the time to expose my music again anyway; he was gearing up for a concert and the whole gang was attending. We were already at the venue and patiently waiting on the concert to start. Well, most of us were patient.

"What time is it?" Lys whined.

I checked my phone, "7:18 pm."

"Time is moving so slow," she sighed. "I'm ready for the show."

"We all are, Lys," Ethan said, shaking his head.

Alyssa rolled her eyes, "Why'd we come so early? We've been here an hour."

"So that we could get backstage without getting trampled by your brother's crazy-ass fangirls," Pozzi chuckled. She rolled her eyes again and finished her Dr. Pepper off.

"I gotta pee," Yas announced and stood up, "Come on, girls."

"Where's the restroom anyway?" I asked.

"Let's go on an adventure and find out."

"Anything but just sitting here," Alyssa said, getting up.

"We'll be back," I told the guys and kissed Ethan's cheek. I exited backstage with the girls and spotted a sign next to a hallway that read 'Restrooms.' "This way."

We walked down the long corridor until we reached the women's restroom. Yas went into a stall while Alyssa and I stood by the mirrors. Lys pulled a tube of lip gloss out of her bag and applied some.

"Don't you have to pee, Lys? You drank two cups of Dr. Pepper," I said.

"Nope. Could use a churro or something though."

I chuckled and heard a toilet flush. Yasmin exited the stall and came over to wash her hands.

"So," Yas started as she finished with her hands, "Have you made your mind up about the deal, Harper?"

I sighed, "No."

She threw her used paper towel away and turned to face me, "Why not? You're talented and I've never seen you back down from a challenge."

"I dunno... I just know my life is gonna be way different if I do. I'm just a normal girl studying to be a social worker."

"But is that what you're most passionate about?" she asked.

"Hmm..." I hadn't thought about it in that way. I liked the idea of being able to help kids in need. Ever since I declared social work as my major, I envisioned nothing else. However, I loved singing. It gave me a rush— a warmth in my heart. It was like comparing how I felt before Ethan came along versus after.

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