|18 - Potential Victims|

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The next day I had a decision to make. I could either tell the police what happened and end it there, or I could press charges. I didn't want to do either, but I felt like it was wrong to do nothing. Other potential victims were at stake.

After Ethan and I's big ordeal, I felt less like complete shit. He was on my side and he still cared about me. He saved me from making possibly the biggest mistake I ever had. We spent the rest of the day just comforting each other, resting, talking about everything, and making things right between us.

The next step for me was to talk to Alyssa. She was worried out of her mind when I didn't come back to her apartment. When I finally checked my phone, there were so many texts and missed calls from her. I texted her back and told her I'd explain everything the next day.

Well, it was the next day and I was on my way to her apartment. Ethan hadn't come because he had a test to take. He desperately wanted to go with me and reminded me how he said he wasn't gonna leave my side. I wanted him to come along so bad, but I'd have felt even more horrible if I made him fuck up his grades in the process. He'd worked so hard to keep them up. So, I left him a note and headed out before he woke up.

I tapped the steering wheel as I drove; I was so anxious. What would Alyssa's reaction to my assault be? Was I going to tell her about how I tried to end my life? The questions ran through my mind the entire way there.

I parked my car in the lot and went into the complex. I had a swipe card to get in so I didn't need her to let me up. When I got to her apartment door, I took a deep breath and knocked. After a few seconds, Alyssa opened the door.

"Harper!" She threw her arms around me, "You had me worried fucking sick." She pulled away a bit and put her hands on my cheeks, "Where were you?"

"Ethan's... Can we go inside?" I asked and she nodded with a confused expression. We went in and she closed the door behind us. I sat down on the couch and she plopped next to me. I took a deep breath, "Is Yasmin here?"

"No, she's at work," she shook her head, "You've been over Ethan's this whole time?" I nodded. "Why?"

"We talked for a while about some things and we fixed us," I informed her. She let out a relieved sigh and I could tell she was happy about it. I was happy about fixing things with him too, but it wasn't the time to be excited about that. "I have something to tell you. I'm just afraid..."

I contemplated telling her about the traumatic night at Ethan's but ultimately decided not to. I didn't want to worry her sick for any more reasons than necessary. That'd stay between Ethan and I.

Her brows furrowed, "I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything. You know that."

I sighed, "Three weeks ago I went to a party at Ronnie's sorority. It was originally an all-girls thing. Some fraternity crashed the party and naturally, things got wild. You know Jason?" She nodded and I continued to explain. "He 'liked' Ronnie so he tried getting with her. She rejected him and I decided to be a good friend and try to comfort him..."

I went on, explaining everything in more detail than I had to Ethan. Alyssa was mortified by the end and we were both crying.

"Harper, why didn't you tell me? Oh my god," she cried and pulled me into her arms. We cried together for a bit before she pulled back to look at me, "Are you going to tell the police?"

"That's why I needed to talk to you," I started, "I want to tell the police, but I don't know if I can take this to court, Lys. I'm already fucked up enough not dealing with a big ass trial."

"You deserve fucking justice, Harper. That lowlife piece of shit hurt you. He hurt you and he deserves to be in fucking prison."

I put my hand to my forehead, "It all seems like so much... What if they don't even find him guilty?"

"At least you'll have tried. You didn't deserve what fucking happened to you. And if he stays free who knows who he'll go after next."

I felt a pang in my chest when she said that. The only thing I could think about was Ronnie. She was with that asshole. What if she refused to have sex with him and he forced her to? I couldn't live with the thought of that, knowing I didn't try to prevent it.

"I'll do it," I breathed out, "I'll call the police."

Alyssa sighed in relief and hugged me tight, "I'll be right here the whole time."

I nodded and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I looked up the number for our police department and put my shaky finger to the screen, tapping on the "Call" button. I brought the phone up to my ear and listened to it ring. A few seconds later, someone answered.

"UCLA Police Department, how may I assist you?" a woman's voice came through the speaker.

I grabbed Alyssa's hand and she nodded, "I'd like to report a sexual assault."

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