|2 - Khaotic|

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Ethan and I had just gotten home from dropping Lys and Yasmin off and I was glad to be out of the car. It seemed like we'd been on the road for ages. I was glad Donny's last show on the tour was gonna be in Cali instead of hours away.

"Finally home," I sighed and slipped my shoes and jacket off. Ethan took his shoes and jacket off as well while I made my way into the kitchen. "Donny's show was amazing."

"Hell yeah, the crowd really went wild," said Ethan from the living room. We'd eaten two hours before but that didn't stop me from getting hungry again.

I opened the fridge, "Snack time!" I searched until I found some yogurt and grabbed it. The moment I shut the fridge, Ethan wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Why do you always look so good?" he asked in my ear, making my stomach do a flip. Oof. He pressed himself against me and I could feel that he was hard. Big oof. "I've been wanting to push your skirt up all day."

I blushed and reached up to caress his cheek, "Really?" He'd been hiding his frustrations pretty well.

"Mhm," he held my hair out of the way and started kissing at my neck from behind. I felt the warmth between my legs grow.

"Ethan, my yogurt..."

"Fuck the yogurt," He took the small cup out of my hand and put it back in the refrigerator. He turned us and backed me into the counter, pressing his lips to mine roughly. I let him into my mouth and his tongue started to explore wherever it could. He reached down to squeeze my butt before trailing his hand under my skirt. His fingertips pushed my panties to the side a bit and he stroked my middle, "You're already drenched. Did I do this to you?"

"It was the yogurt," I smirked lazily.

"The yogurt, huh?" Ethan chuckled lowly and I nodded. He pulled my underwear down and off roughly and started rubbing my clit.

I let out a small moan and started feeling around on my left bicep. "Still there," I said upon finding the birth control implant that was under my skin.

"You do that nearly every time we're about to have sex," Ethan chuckled breathily before he pushed a finger into me. It was true. I'd tried taking the pill but we had a scare when I missed one, so I got the implant. It was easy and didn't require me to remember anything.

"Mm, just making sure we're go-" He curled a second finger into me, moving them faster, "-g-good!" I leaned back on the counter, propped up on my elbows, and bit my lip. It was getting harder to stay upright with him making me feel so good.

"I've been coming in you almost every night for months," Ethan said, focusing on what he was doing with his fingers, "I'm pretty sure we're good." I bit my lip again and he added more pressure to my g-spot.

My breaths started coming in quicker and I pulled him into another kiss. He twisted his fingers in and out of me a few more times before I came all over them. He pulled his fingers out swiftly and stuck them up in front of my lips. I sucked them clean and watched Ethan's eyes darken with lust.

He turned me around and pressed my upper body down onto the counter. My toes were barely touching the floor. I heard him get his pants off and he used his foot to nudge my feet apart. He hiked my skirt up and pushed into me, making a gasp escape my lips. Ethan stroked slowly for a second and dug his fingertips into my hips as he sped up.

"Shit!" I yelped because he slapped my ass, "Harder." He slapped the same spot slightly harder and started pounding into me. I moaned or gasped with every deft thrust and gripped the counter tightly. He was making me hit notes Ariana Grande could only dream of.

"You feel so fucking good around me," Ethan rasped and went faster.

I felt myself nearing my end, "Mmph... fuck... Ethan! I-I'm coming!"

"Come all around me, princess," he groaned. The knot in my stomach burst apart and a huge wave of pleasure washed over my entire body. "Oh, fuck," Ethan panted as he finished right after me.

"Jesus," I panted.

Ethan leaned forward to place a kiss on my shoulder, "You can have the yogurt now."


The next morning I woke up and Ethan wasn't in our room. I stretched and got up, rubbing my eyes a bit. I opened the bedroom door and noticed that the spare room door was open. Ethan must've been up working on something.

Around 10 months prior, Ethan started taking his clothing designs more seriously and had even given his brand its own name, Khaotic Collective. He started getting noticed around campus when he'd wear his own stuff. Other students really liked what he'd created and were willing to buy things from him. They started selling really fast, too fast to get them made the way he was at first, so Ethan and I saved up for a special printer.

It printed the designs he'd created onto whatever material he wanted. It was much faster and easier than taking clothes places to get designs put on them; you could just do it yourself for cheaper. Clothes were being made faster and he was able to get more out to customers. Eventually, he branched out and made hoodies, sweatpants, shorts, bandanas, socks— you name it. He even convinced the owner of the skate shop to put a few things up at the store, since he was ultimately trying to reach out to the skate scene with his brand anyway.

Ahh, we love a creative, entrepreneurial boyfriend.

I handled my business in the bathroom and peeked into the spare room, which was basically Ethan's office. He was sitting at his desk on his computer and the printer was at work.

"Good morning," I said as I walked up to him. Ethan turned to face me.

"Good morning, baby," He pulled me onto his lap and kissed my cheek.

"Whatcha' working on?" He clicked on something and a new design popped up on his screen. "I'm getting the first one, I call dibs! It's sweet as hell."

A big smile formed on his face, "Thanks, princess. Don't worry, the first one is all yours."

"Yaaaaay!" I grabbed his cheeks and kissed his lips. "You hungry?" He nodded eagerly. "I'll make us some pancakes."

He sighed happily, "You're the best."

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