|14 - Collide|

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A Week and a Half Later

"Harper, get up. Come on," Alyssa said as she shook me awake. I sighed and turned onto my other side; I'd just gotten to sleep. "Don't make Yasmin get the water bucket."

My eyes shot open, "I'm up."

"Good. I made something for you to eat before class, so hurry and get ready."

"Thanks, Mom," I said and stretched. Alyssa rolled her eyes and left the room. I really wanted to just stay in bed. That's all I wanted to do anymore; stay in bed and just try to forget about how fucking sad I was. I had no choice but to get up though. I couldn't afford to miss any more classes; I'd missed around a week's worth.

I got up and found something comfortable to put on; sweatpants with one of Alyssa's sweatshirts and Vans. I handled my business in the bathroom and threw my hair up into a bun. I skipped makeup because I didn't feel up to putting any on, and just washed my face.

Alyssa was sitting at her dining table eating and my plate was across from hers. I took a seat and eyed the pancakes and scrambled eggs in front of me. Normally, I'd be drooling over a meal like that, but I wasn't. I hadn't been eating much at all. I think Alyssa was noticing, which probably explains why she was putting more food on my plate when she'd cook.

"This looks really good. Thanks, Lys," I said and grabbed my fork, "Thought Yas was here?"

"I bet it tastes good too, H," she said, raising her brows, "And she is. She's asleep though."

I squinted and tilted my head a bit, "I'm gonna eat it. Don't worry. I think my appetite is back." It was a lie, but I took a huge bite of my pancakes to make it seem legit. Her face lit up. "And you threatened me with a sleeping person?"

"That's my Harper!" she grinned widely, "And I had to get you up somehow." I nodded and kept eating. She took one last swig of her coffee and went to put her dishes in the kitchen, "I gotta get to work. Go to class!"

"I will, I promise," She gave me a quick hug and left. I didn't finish my breakfast. I felt too bad to throw it away, so I just wrapped it up and was gonna put it in the back of the fridge.

"It's okay, I'll finish it," Yasmin said, peeking into the kitchen.

"Fuck, you scared me," I nearly whispered, blinking rapidly. I handed her the food.

She chuckled nervously, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I gotta go. See you later," I grabbed my jacket and slipped my shoes on. When I was about to go out the door, Yasmin said something.

"Hey, I know you don't wanna talk about what's goin' on with you. But it's not good to keep it all locked inside."

I clutched my bookbag and nodded. She was right, but I still wasn't ready to talk. I didn't know if I'd ever be ready.


It felt so weird to be back at school after missing so much of it. The day I'd chosen to go back on was possibly the worst. I had a class in the same hall as Ethan and Jason. We got out at the same time and would always meet in the middle of the hall outside of our classrooms. Then we'd part ways and go to our next classes.

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