|16 - Drowning (2)|

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*trigger warning*


My shift at the skate shop ended way sooner than I'd expected. I wasn't the happiest about getting off so soon. I'd been working a lot of extra hours to get my mind off of Harper, and how she ripped my fucking heart out. I'd been partying too, and getting trashed with other girls, but I couldn't bring myself to hook up with any. It didn't feel right.

Seeing Harper earlier that day fucked me up. I felt all of the feelings I'd been trying to ignore come back and it made me so mad. She fucking cheated on me, knowing what I went through with Savannah.

I was still completely hung up on Harper, honestly. Even though she'd betrayed me. I didn't see her for two weeks and then I run into her suddenly, only for her to ask if she could come and get the rest of her shit. I was sad, angry, disappointed, and many other emotions.

After work, I stopped at Target and picked up a new mirror. The night Harper left, I lost my temper and punched the one we already had, shattering it. I regretted the action as soon as the adrenaline stopped pumping and I saw my bleeding knuckles, but that's beside the point. I was so fucking angry. I'd never been that mad in my entire life. Only she had the power to bring all of the emotions out of me and I hated it.

The first thing I noticed when I walked into the apartment was that the lamp was on. Did Harper just leave it on? I knew I hadn't. I sighed and shut it off. The sudden darkness in the living room brought my attention to the light coming from the hallway.

I frowned and walked until I got to the bedroom. Harper's bag was sitting on the bed wide open with her clothes tucked in it and the ceiling light was on. What the hell? Was she still in the apartment?

"Harper?" I called out loudly. I had no idea where she could've been. I put the mirror by the door, set my keys and wallet on the dresser, and stepped into the hallway. I noticed that the bathroom door was closed. I always left it open, so she must've been in there. I stepped in front of the door and leaned my ear against it. I could hear very faint sobs.

"Harper? Are you in there?" All I got was sniffling and sobbing in return. I tried to open the door but it was locked, "Harper, just open the door, please."

"For what?" Her voice shook as she spoke, "What's the point?"

I sighed, "Why are you in there crying?" How long had she been in there crying? It worried me because Harper wasn't usually one to break down like that.

"Why not? My life has gone to shit. My grades are slipping, I haven't been sleeping or eating, you hate me... What is the point anymore?" Sure, I was mad, but I didn't hate her. I could never hate her. No matter how badly she hurt me.

"Harper, I don't hate you... Please, just open the door so we can talk."

"You won't have to worry about me anymore..." she said with little to no emotion. She sounded so drained and lifeless.

"Why are you saying that?"

"I'm sorry about your sleeping pills, by the way..."

My sleeping pills? "Harper, what are you talking about?"

"The Ambien... I lost track around 20..." I heard a bottle hit the floor and it sounded empty. I hadn't been able to sleep over those past two weeks either, which is why I even had the pills. Two tablets knocked me out for hours; over twenty might put her in a fucking coma. I started to freak out and my heart began to pound in my chest.

"Harper, open the door," I waited a few seconds but she didn't say anything, "Harper!" Still nothing. "Shit, no!" I ran into the bedroom in a panic, knocking shit over as I searched for something to get the door open with. A card, I need a fucking card or something.

I opened my wallet, pulled out the first card I saw (a Dave & Buster's one), and ran back to the bathroom door. Why would she try to kill herself?

I worked one edge of the small plastic rectangle into the space next to the doorknob, shaking it around frantically. Come on, hurry up! I finally heard the lock click and I pushed the door open. The light from the bedroom illuminated the dark bathroom enough for me to see Harper, curled up in the corner by the toilet. I dropped down onto the floor and picked up the empty pill bottle, examining it in my hand.

"Why would you do this?!" I asked, starting to cry myself, "How long ago did you take them?!"

"15 minutes ago I think..." she trailed off. No, no, no. I had to get those pills out of her body before they kicked in. I couldn't fucking lose her.

I got on my knees in front of Harper and leaned her forward so that her face was hovering over the toilet bowl. I grabbed her chin and got her mouth open before attempting to get my fingers into it. She shook her head out of my grasp.

"No! Stop! I wanna die!" she cried, "Just let me fucking die!"

I got another grip on her chin, "No, you don't mean that!" She started struggling so I had to hold her in place with my free arm and one of my legs.

Harper was trying to fight me and was biting my fingers, but I still managed to get two of them down her throat. She gagged a few times and finally started to throw up into the toilet. I rubbed her back and looked away, not wanting to see her vomit. She finished after a minute or so and I saw the majority of the pills in the toilet bowl. By then, we were both in tears.

I wiped her mouth off with toilet paper and flushed it along with her puke. I scooted away from the toilet and pulled her into my shaking arms. We sat there, sobbing and rocking back and forth on the bathroom floor.

A/N: This was hard for me to write. 😞😣.

REAL-LIFE DISCLAIMER: I hope you don't, but if you ever find yourself in a situation like this, DO NOT make the person vomit unless you have specific instructions from poison control or EMS telling you to do so.

For the sake of the STORYLINE and how I want things to pan out, just imagine Ethan did the right thing (in the following chapter as well).

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