|5 - Prick Patrol|

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"What's up, party people?!" an already drunk Jason slurred, wrapping his arms around Ethan and I.

"How are you drunk already, Jase?" I asked as we pulled away.

"Diego has like a looot of alcohol," he slurred, "Plus you guys are late. What took you so long?"

I blushed and Ethan smirked before we responded at the same time, "Traffic."

"Sure," he winked, "Pozzi's in the basement smoking. I'll be in the kitchen with the drinks." Jason pushed through people in the house and went into what I guessed was the kitchen.

"I know you wanna smoke, so we can go downstairs first," I said to Ethan.

"We're not gonna be long. I know you want a drink," He took my hand in his. We'd never been to that house before, but it wasn't too difficult to find the basement door. We walked downstairs and a bunch of people were chilling, most of them stoned. There were a few blunts in rotation and heaps of snacks. Pozzi was sitting closest to the stairs and spotted us.

"Hey, guys, you made it!" he smiled. He and Ethan greeted each other and he hugged me from his seat. Pozzi gestured to a dark-haired guy with a beanie on his head and tattoos on his face, "This is my boy, Diego."

"Nice meeting y'all," the guy said. He was already high as a kite.

"You too, man," Ethan smiled, "Nice house."


"Hey, you two look alike," Pozzi pointed out. I looked between Diego and my boyfriend. I shrugged— they could definitely be first cousins. The long lost relatives stared at each other for a little bit, nodding their approval.

"You guys smoking? We have plenty of weed," Diego gestured toward the empty seats next to him and Pozz.

"Oh, just him, I don't smoke much anymore," I said. The last time I'd gotten high, I ate an entire pizza... and threw up the entire pizza. I was still kinda scarred from that experience.

"For sure," he replied. Ethan let me sit down first and then he sat next to me. Diego got a blunt passed to him and took a couple of hits before passing it to Ethan. I watched him inhale and blow the smoke up into the air. I was trying not to bite my lip in front of all those people; he looked so hot when he did that.

After around 15 minutes, Ethan was finally done and he was all lopsided smiles. We thanked Diego for everything and made our way back upstairs. I eyed all of the drinks on the table in the kitchen and picked one out.

"Can you hand me a cup, babe?" I asked Ethan. He separated one from the others and handed it to me, "Thank you." He simply nodded in response. He was stoned and I'd probably be driving us home, so I only poured a little bit of liquor and downed it. I threw my cup away and grabbed his hand.

I liked the song that was playing, so I dragged Ethan toward where everyone was dancing. I spotted Ronnie and Jason talking near the TV. Well, more like he was blabbering and she was just listening. I pulled Ethan in their direction.

"Hey, Ron!" I said.

She looked at me and grinned before pulling me into a hug, "Hey! Was I fashionably late enough?"

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