|34 - The Lucky One|

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Celebratory sex is amazing— even with interruptions.

After pleasing my beautiful girlfriend, we showered and got dressed in something to wear out that night. We were chilling on the couch, waiting on our friends to come over. Nobody had decided on what we were doing later in the day, so I planned something secretly.

Pozz texted me to say he was on his way up to the apartment, so I unlocked the door for him and plopped back on the couch.

"What's up, pornstars?!" Pozzi called out as he walked into our apartment a couple of minutes later. Harper looked at me with wide eyes and then we looked at Pozz. "What? Did I do something?"

I chuckled nervously, "No, no, we just thought you'd heard u-"

Harper slapped her hand over my mouth, "Nothing!"

Pozz narrowed his eyes a bit, "Okay..." He plopped down on the loveseat, "So, what's goin' down tonight?"

I moved Harper's hand off my lips, "No idea." Muahahahaha. "Just gonna chill here til' we figure it out."

"Lys and Yasmin coming?"

"Of course," Harper said, "They're on the way here now."

"Can we get some music playing?" Pozz asked.

"I got you," I hopped up and went into the bedroom. I found my speaker on the dresser and brought it back to the living room, "Here."

Pozz grabbed the speaker and connected it to his phone, "Any requests?"

"Hmm," Harper pursed her lips, "Ooh, let me see." Pozzi handed her his phone and she tapped at the screen, smiling.

"Oh hell no," I threw my head back upon hearing the song she'd chosen.

"I'm hot-" Harper belted.

"Jesus," Pozzi whined.

"-you're cold! You go around like you know! Who I am-"

"Harperrrrr," I whined.

"-but you don't!"

"You got me on my toes!" I heard Alyssa shout from behind us. We turned around to Alyssa dancing along and Yasmin recording the whole thing. Harper jumped up and started dancing while singing.

Looking past the song, I was just happy watching her be happy. Harper was so fucking strong; she'd overcome all the shit she went through and still smiled genuinely. Man, I was so in love. With everything about her. I always knew she was it for me (even through all of the bullshit) and there could never be anybody else.

Harper kept dancing like her life depended on it and reached out to grab my hand, "Dance with me!" God, her happiness radiated throughout the room. I couldn't turn her down.

I got up and started dancing along to the Jonas Brothers with my future wife, earning that beautiful smile in return. I looked over at Pozz and signaled for him to join. He gave me a 'no way' look and I raised my brows.

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