|17 - You Promised|

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After crying for ages last night, I carried Harper into the bedroom and got her changed into some of my clothes to lie down in. I hadn't slept at all; how could I after that? Instead, I held her close to me all night, afraid that she'd try to hurt herself again.

I wanted to take her to the hospital, even though she'd thrown up the majority of the pills. She didn't like that idea, even when I insisted, and she started panicking. I calmed her down again and made her a deal; if she wasn't gonna go to the hospital, I was going to try to keep her awake.

The medicine that'd already gotten into her system made her pretty tired. According to the label on the bottle, she'd be drowsy for around 8 hours, meaning it was gonna be a long night. She dozed off a bunch of times and was cranky every time I woke her back up, but I didn't care. I wasn't letting her fall into too deep of a sleep. I never let her sleep for more than 5 minutes, and I monitored her breathing. Fuck, I was just paranoid the entire night. I can't remember when I stopped shaking.

It was already the next morning. Harper stirred in my arms; it'd been about 4 minutes since she dozed off last and she was finally waking up on her own. She stretched a bit and looked up at me with tired eyes. I wasn't gonna push the many questions I had on her yet because she'd just woken up. I didn't want to instantly remind her of the night before.

"Morning," I said quietly.

She sat up and yawned, "Morning..."

I got out of bed awkwardly, "You hungry?"

She nodded, "I have to use the bathroom first." She got up and started heading toward the bathroom. I grabbed her arm and she turned to look at me, "I'm just gonna pee. I promise."

I stuck my pinky out and she wrapped hers around it, "Are pancakes ok?"

"Yeah," she nodded. I let her arm go and she went into the bathroom. I'd taken all of the medicine and stuff out of there overnight, but I was still worried.

I shook my worries away somewhat and started on her pancakes in the kitchen. I heard the toilet flush and the water running which made me feel a bit more relaxed. Harper came into the room and sat at the island. I ignored more impulses to question her. I'd wait until after she'd eaten.



"Thanks again," Harper said after finishing the majority of her breakfast. I was happy that she'd eaten most of it, considering she said she hadn't been eating.

"No problem."

"Can I lie back down for a bit?" I could sense the hesitation in her voice when she asked. It'd been 8 hours; the medicine would've been wearing off anyway. I knew she was exhausted, so I was mostly content with her sleeping a little at that point.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I'll take your plate." She handed the plate to me and hopped off the stool she'd been sitting on. I watched her turn the corner and I put her plate by the sink.

Wait. If she went back to sleep, who knew when I'd get to ask her questions. Fuck, I had to ask right then. I sighed and passed my fingers through my hair as I made my way out of the kitchen.

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