|8 - Skateshop|

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"Hey!" I squealed and practically jumped into Alyssa's arms. We'd planned a girl day for just the two of us and I was so happy to see her.

She wrapped her arms around me, "Hey! I fucking missed you, bitch!"

"I missed you too!" I squeezed her a bit before pulling away, "What's first on the agenda?"

"Food, of course."

Oh, yes, she was speaking my language. "Let's go!"


Alyssa and I had decided on iHop, mostly because of the 75 cent pancake deal they had going on. I was already deep into my pancakes and Alyssa wasn't trailing too far behind.

"This is so fucking good," I groaned before stuffing more pancakes into my mouth.

"Hell yeah. Slow down, Chomp!"

I chortled and finished chewing what was in my mouth, "I can't help it."

"I know you can't," she laughed, "So, how was the studio last night?"

"Not a complete fail. My recording actually came out good."

"Can I hear it?"

I nodded, "Yes. But don't make fun of my song choice!" Pozzi had sent the audio a day earlier than expected, so I had it on my phone already. I'd listened to it twice, only to reassure myself that I sounded okay. "I'll play it in the car."

"I'd better hurry up and eat then," she smiled and stuffed pancakes in her mouth. We both finished our pancakes and paid for everything before we left. Alyssa and I hopped in her car (Ethan had dropped me off at her place earlier, so I didn't have my car).

"Aux?" I asked. Alyssa reached into the cubby on the back of her seat and handed me the cord. "Thanks." I plugged my phone up and went to my cover in the Music app. I pressed play and slouched back in my seat. I could see Alyssa getting more into the song as it went on.

"This is fucking fire, H!" she smirked. I smiled and started jamming to it with her. When the song was over I sighed in relief. "So when are you doing another one?!"

"Woah, slow down," I chuckled, "I'm still not sure how much I like this one."

"Harper, it's amazing. Stop doubting yourself so much."

I sighed, "You really liked it?"

"I fuckin' loved it. Can we listen to it again on the way to the mall?"

"Sure. Let's go. I wanna spend as much time with you as I can before work."

"Okey dokey!" She started driving and I pressed play again. I was warming up to the song more.


My Tuesdays were usually divided into two sections: school and work. I was in the second half of the day, working. We weren't really busy on Tuesdays, so I had been chilling alone for most of my shift. Harper was scheduled to work; we had a ton of shit to restock.

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