|29 - Friends|

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The Next Afternoon

"Come on, Harper. Just think about it!" Ethan pleaded.

"Yeah!" Pozzi added, "You said you'd do it."

"I said maybe," I sighed, "I barely was able to sing it to you guys once. There's no way I'm gonna be able to sing it over and over in the studio."

"Why not?" Pozz whined.

"Are you doubting yourself again?" Ethan asked with a raised brow, "I thought we cleared that up yesterday." He smirked and looked me up and down slightly. I felt my cheeks get hot and my mind was filling with less than pure thoughts, but I shook them away and sighed.

"No, but I'm not doing it, so get over it," I got up and went into the kitchen for water. I heard Pozzi and Ethan mumbling in the living room. I peeked my head out of the kitchen, "Y'all sneak dissing?"

Ethan chuckled, "No."

"But we were gonna sneak out and get pizza without you," Pozzi added.

I gasped and held my hand over my heart, "How could you?" I walked over to the door, slipped some shoes on, and grabbed my jacket while they just sat there. "Come on, losers. I'm hungry," I grabbed Ethan's keys from the hook by the door and tossed them to him, "And you're driving."

I threw my jacket on and could've sworn Ethan and Pozz were smirking at each other in my peripheral.


The pizza we had hit the spot. I was slouched back in the passenger's seat with a satisfied smile on my face. We were approaching our apartment building. I sat up, ready to get out of the car, except Ethan drove right past the entrance.

"Um, you know you just passed home," I said with my eyebrows scrunched.

He smirked and nodded, "Oh, I know." I heard Pozzi snicker in the backseat.

I shot them both annoyed glances, "Okay, what's goin' on?"

Ethan noticed the irritation in my voice and rested his hand on my thigh, "It'll explain itself when we get there." I groaned at his response. He knew I hated not knowing where I was going. I slouched back into my seat and folded my arms.

After driving for a bit longer, I recognized our surroundings. Oh no they fucking didn't.

"You've got to be kidding me," I shook my head, "Did I not say that I don't want to record the song?"

"Did you?" Pozzi asked, pretending to be clueless, "Can't recall. You remember her saying that, E?"

"Not at all," Ethan smirked and parked the car in front of the building.

Pozz hopped out and shut his car door, "I'll meet you guys inside." With that, he jogged off.

I rolled my eyes, "Good fuckin' luck getting me out of the car." Ethan let out a small huff and that smirked remained. He got out of the car and walked around to my side, opening my door. I sat there with my arms still folded.

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