|39 - Razzle-Dazzle|

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Three and a Half Years Later

The last note of the song I was recording flowed out of me effortlessly. I'd been in the studio grinding and working hard on my 3rd album. Yes. You read that correctly. My third album. The first two were well received and my fan base rose quicker than I could've imagined.

My fame may have come easily, but it was difficult adjusting to a life so different. Naturally, being in the studio more gave me less time with the people I loved. That was hard, but we worked around it. It was harder getting used to the screaming people at events, and fans randomly coming up to me when I was out and about, but I was managing that too. I'd really broken out of my shell.

Now, I bet you're wondering: How's Ethan? Well... we broke up. After my career took off, and his Khaotic line blew up, we barely had time for each other. We tried our hardest to make it work, but failed every time.

Just kidding! Come on, did you really think we'd break up? Sure, we had trouble adjusting to seeing each other a bit less, but break up? Never. Our love only grew.

I was performing at a big arena a few weeks before on my birthday, and just when the show was about to end, Ethan came out on stage. He gave the most heartwarming birthday speech and I was smiling from ear to ear. Then he dropped down on one knee and nearly gave me a heart attack. The crowd was raging, but not harder than my heart was. I said yes, of course! The beautiful ass engagement ring on my finger can attest to that.

Said ring glittered in the December moonlight as I turned my steering wheel. I was done in the studio for the night and I was exhausted. Busting my ass every day those past few months was stressful— worth it, but stressful. I just wanted to be home with my man already.

I pulled up to our house — which we'd bought a year before — and parked in the garage.


My life has been a series of twists and turns. Regular Chicago kid with a rocky love life turned clothing designer spending my days with the love of my life. Absolutely insane! All of the bullshit I'd gone through was worth waking up next to someone as amazing as Harper.

My fiancée was my biggest supporter. On days where I thought, "No one's gonna want to wear my designs, they're not even that cool..." she would be right there telling me the opposite. Every single design I doubted and she had faith in, ended up being best sellers.

My own drive and Harper pushing me to be better are the biggest reasons I was able to open my own shop— physical and online. I went from making designs all on my own in my little office to producing even sicker stuff with a team of people behind me. Sometimes it was hard to keep up with demands, but I made it work. With my shop and Harper's success, we were able to afford the gorgeous ass house we were living in. I loved coming home to her in it, and her coming home to me in it.

On this particular night, she was the one coming home last. She'd been working so hard in the studio and I wanted to do something special for her. I'd cooked dinner and was setting it up in the dining room. Just as I finished, I heard the garage door opening and hurried to the living room.

Harper walked through the front door and I could tell she was a bit tired. I was looking at her with the biggest smile.

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