|4 - I-Spy|

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"Is this cute?" I asked my friend Ronnie, holding up a crop top I found. We'd met sophomore year and she was really cool. Alyssa liked her too; she and Yasmin always fangirled over the fact that Ronnie was in a sorority. I was glad they all got along. We were kinda like the female versions of the guys.

"Cute as fuck. You should get it," she smiled and started looking through a different clothing rack. The big party was that night and we were out shopping for something to wear. "Ooh, it'll go with this," She held up a pair of white ripped jeans.

"You're right, thanks," I took the jeans and put them over my arm with the top. She held a dress up to her body and turned to face me. "Yes. Absolutely. Jason is gonna go nuts when he sees you in that."

She scrunched her nose and draped the dress over her arm, "Ew."

"Oh, come on, you know he's gonna be happy to see you there."

"Well, he can be happy to see me from a distance."

"He seemed pretty excited to invite you," I said and gave her a look. Jason was always flirting with her when he got the chance. More than he flirted with other girls. Sometimes Ronnie would flirt back, but she said it was just to amuse herself. I believed her up until the last time they got flirty; she had been blushing, something she usually didn't do.

"Yeah, right. He just wants to get in these pants and it's not happening."

"Whatever you say, Ron," I chuckled, "You wanna get ready at Ethan and I's place? We could ride to the party together."

"Yeah, that'd be cool," she nodded, "Let's pay and jet." We brought our things up to the register and got greeted by the cashier. Ronnie insisted that I went first, so I paid for my items before she did. Her phone went off in her purse when we turned to leave. She looked at the notification and frowned.

"You ok?" I asked, slightly swinging my shopping bag side to side.

She shook her head, "Apparently the girls need me at the house for a few hours to welcome a new member. The party will already be happening by the time I'm done with whatever they have planned."

The girls — as in the other members of the sorority she was in — were always hijacking her plans. She was a newbie herself and was willing to do anything to keep her spot in the group she'd tried so hard to get in, so she usually just went along with things.

"It's ok, Ron, really," I reassured her, "You'll just be fashionably late."

She bit her lip, "I guess that's cool."

"It is. Now get back there and help, Delta."

"Okay, okay, I'll see you at the party," She gave me a hug and hurried out of the store.


Ethan wasn't home from work when I got back, so I decided to start getting ready by myself. I grabbed some underclothes from the bedroom and brought everything I was gonna put on into the bathroom with me. My shower lasted longer than it probably should've, but the water just felt so good.

I hopped out and dried off before getting dressed. I grabbed my dirty clothes off the floor and got the door open. The steam from the shower practically floated into the hallway when I stepped out. I pushed the bedroom door open and nearly had a heart attack.

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