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Two Days Later

After spending more time in the car than vacationing, I vowed to never drive all the way across the States ever again. It was nice and all, stopping by landmarks and seeing more of the country. But if I heard one more road trip song, my brain would explode.

We'd been on the road for hours that particular day alone and it was dark out, but I was still up. It was Pozzi's turn to drive so he was awake too. Lys and Yasmin were knocked out in the back, Donny was drooling on the passenger side window, and Ethan was lying across my lap, snoring softly. Music was playing quietly on the radio, but I was humming my own tune.

"What's that you're humming?" Pozzi asked, pulling me out of the little trance I was in.

"Oh, just something I came up with," I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me.

"Does it have lyrics?"

"Yeah. I wrote it a couple of months ago, but the melody didn't come to me until just now."

"Would you consider recording it? Make it an actual song?"

I sighed, "I dunno... I don't think it's good enough."

"You have talent, Harper. And potential," he stated seriously, "I just think you're in your head about it." I sighed again because it was true. I'd thought about recording the songs I'd written, but I was afraid to.

"What if it's literal garbage?"

"Sing it to me and I'll tell you if it is."


"Don't think about it. Do it," He turned the radio down more, "Just sing."

It's not like he hasn't heard you sing before, H. I took a deep breath, "Okay."

*Harper's singing voice and songs will be Maggie Lindemann's (I adore her!)*

"I miss those late nights
Just you and I up in my bedroom 'til sunrise
Could spend the whole night talking to you

Even if I was the only one talking

They busted the door
They don't see you at all
It don't mean you ain't there
'Cause I know that you are, swear it's true

They said that I was the only one talking

White jacket, white pills
Told me I would feel better
But now, you ain't here
Will I ever feel better?

'Cause if you're only in my head
I don't wanna get out of it..."

I took a pause and bit my lip, "There's more, but yeah..."

"Wow, that was fuckin' amazing. It was nowhere near literal garbage," he scoffed at the end.

A smile spread across my face, "You really think so?"

"Fuck yeah. Has Ethan heard it?"

"No," I sighed and looked down at him sleeping on my lap, "I actually wrote it when we were broken up. It's mostly about our breakup and how I felt during that time."

"Well, I'm sure he'd like to hear it anyway. You're back together now and you seem happy as ever."

I smiled down at Ethan and brushed his hair out of his face, "We are."

"So, sing him the song."

"Fine, I'll sing it to him. I may even record it," I added the last part to get him excited. It was the biggest maybe there was, though.

"Yes!" He pumped a fist into the air.


"Oops, I forgot they were asleep," he whispered, "Sorry!"

I chuckled and shook my head, peeking around to see if anyone had woken up. They were all still fast asleep so I leaned my head back and got comfy. I joined the rest of the squad in their slumbers after a few minutes.


The Next Day

Ethan and I were finally home and I couldn't have been happier. No more pit stops, no more sleeping in the car, and last but not least, no more road trip songs!

I plopped onto the sofa in our apartment and sighed deeply, "Fuck, I missed you, Couch!"

Ethan chortled and closed the door, "Could use your help, Harp."

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I hopped up and grabbed my suitcase from him. We carried our bags into the bedroom and I put mine off to the side. I flopped right onto the bed, "I missed you too, Bed! Even though the one at the hotel was less creaky."

"You gonna hop into the fridge next?" Ethan joked and laid down next to me.

"No," I scoffed, "...Okay, maybe."

Ethan smirked and rolled me on top of him, "You can plop down on me instead."

"Calm down, there. You're still not 100% better," I warned. Plus we had shit to unpack and I wanted to get that done while I felt like it.

"Which is why I pulled you on top," he leaned up to kiss down my jaw and started sucking softly on my sweet spot.

"Mmm. Guess I can try to take it easy on you then," I whispered and moved his head away from my neck to press my lips to his. Fuck it, we'd unpack later.

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