|7 - Studio Session #1|

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After that wild ass trip to Dave & Buster's, Ethan, Pozzi, Jason, and I were on the road. Ronnie got dropped off first; me and Ethan were next. Can't Be Friends started playing on the radio and I started humming to the song. Pozzi turned the volume up a bit and I got lost in the beat.

"And I wish we never did it!" Jason belted out and Pozzi groaned.

"And I wish we never loved it!" Ethan joined in. I facepalmed and shook my head. Hell, they were having fun, so I decided to as well.

"And I wish I never fell so deep in love with you, and now it ain't no way we can be friends," I sang and it got quiet.

"Harper, you can fucking sing?!" Pozzi asked loudly.

"Yeah, what the hell?" Jason added.

I sighed, "Surpriiiiise."

"Ethan, did you know?" asked Pozzi who glanced back at him.

"Of course. She sings me to sleep sometimes," Ethan chuckled and I pushed his arm.

"Why wasn't I aware of this? We could've had her in the studio a long ass time ago."

"Oh, no, I couldn't do that," I said shaking my head.

Jason turned to look at me from the passenger's seat, "Well, why not?"

I shrugged, "I dunno. I'm just decent at singing."

Ethan scoffed, "You're an amazing singer."

"Then it's settled," Pozzi started, "You're coming to the studio tomorrow."

My eyebrows shot up, "Tomorrow?!"

"Yep. I'll be in the studio around 5."

I opened my mouth to protest but there was no use. "Fine. I'll sing ONE song."

"Yes!" Pozzi hissed and started singing to the song himself, "Lalala, la, la, la, la!" I chuckled and we all joined back in.


I'll admit, I was extremely nervous. My voice was okay (thanks to years of choir), but I didn't know if I'd sound good on a recording. What if I got in the booth and suddenly forgot how to hit notes? I tried to shake my less than encouraging thoughts away as Ethan and I walked into the studio.

Pozzi was sitting in his chair scrolling through something on his phone. Jason was there too, jamming to whatever was playing through his headphones. I saw all of the fancy equipment in the room and got even more nervous.

"What's up, guys?" Ethan greeted. Pozzi spun to face us in his chair and Jason looked up. Jason gave us a head nod and put his head back down. He must've been in one of his moods.

"Hey," Pozzi dapped Ethan up and gave me a side hug, "Ready to get in the booth?"

"Definitely not, but I'm here," I shrugged, "So, what am I singing?"

"That's entirely up to you," Pozzi assured me, "Whether it's something you've written or a cover of a song you like."

"It's definitely gonna be a cover. I haven't written anything since like tenth grade," I chuckled breathily.

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