Chapter 5 - first day back

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I wake up to Camilla screaming in my face that we had to get up and get ready what has my life become people around me being excited for school is really depressing..

"Mckenzie you need to get up like now so we can-" blah blah blah I completely switched of I cannot be bothered with this shit where does she get her energy from I need to know..

"Yeah yeah give me 2 seconds to wake up... what the fuck Camilla it's 5am"

"Yeah and it gives us 2 hours to get ready"

"We do not need 2 hours to get ready for school..."

"Uh yeah we do... get up NOW"

"Fine I'm up I'm up"

I put some makeup on nothing to dramatic just to make myself look a bit better and I curled my hair and tied half of it up with a bow that matched our uniforms and left the front pieces out. And changed into my uniform, east coast Malibu lions team colours are black red and white so our uniforms were them colours.

"Yes Mckenzie you look so good" Camilla beamed

"So do you babe"

"Okay so I want you to forget everything Kenz you are now a different person.. so anything said I don't want you to get upset.."

The truth is things aren't so easily forgotten and I was shitting bricks walking back through those doors , last time Malibu High School saw me I was an overweight shy girl who couldn't stand up for myself but I've changed that yeah I'm a different person I've changed my appearance but I still want to be me..

"I know it's forgotten Camilla I'm good I promise"

"Okay then well my mums making breakfast before we go we got ages to kill"

"Yeah because you decided we needed 2 hours to get ready and for your 'grand entrance' we need to be a little late so the hallways are full you are the definition of an idiot"

"Okay then let's get our arses downstairs for some pancakes then.."

"Oh it's okay I'm not hungry..."

"Your eating those pancakes Mckenzie.."

I was scared of going back to the dark place I just came out of so I have been limiting myself to food and Camilla is noticing..
We have breakfast and leave for school.. I was so nervous but I needed to act strong to ensure not to get pushed down again..

"Okay girls I expect you in that gym on the dot today because You Guys ain't auditioning for me you can help on some decisions were only recurring 2 more girls for the full team" amber said

"Damn I cannot wait to see those bitches faces when we rock up with no audition" Camilla said excited

"I can tell you camilla Laurens inner circle will turn on us the moment they find out"

"I ain't scared you know and I know that I ain't afraid to slap anyone"

"Yeah and that's a few steps to getting expelled you already have a warning before even starting at this school for punching someone on your induction day" Amber says angrily

"Hey that was for good reason that video of Mckenzie was no laughing matter me and Ben made sure that video was never seen again"

"What Ben helped with that.." I say confused

"Oh yeah I can't believe you don't know he went on a punching spree on anyone who talked about it and it never got shared after that.."

I was completely in shock why would Ben do something like that for me.. he could of risked everything at that school because of me I always thought it was Kane who solved the issue but Ben must of beat him to it. I feel awful for the way we treat each other but in times like this we have a lot of respect for each other, things will probably never change between us but he is a good guy sometimes..

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