1. Dead and Gone?

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A/n Hey everyone! Welcome to chapter one! thank you all so much for the support for both TMIR and this (hopefully just as great) sequel as I stated previously the chapters will be alternating between Leon's and Lucy's with a few of the other characters' POVs thrown in.

Leon Artemis POV

They were dead while she was gone.

Kyle and Grant were dead for what they did, what they took from me, they deserved it. They deserved everything they got. I don't even know my son's name because of them. I have missed out on five years of knowing my son and loving the love of my life. I also didn't know whether or not Lucy even wanted to be found.

It's been close to a month since we  took down Kyle's gang and Grant. It's also been that long since we moved in with Xander's crew. Cassidy and Drew were going strong, it took her two and a half weeks to be better. However that didn't stop her from looking for Lucy. Drew had to start confiscating her laptop just so she could get some sleep.

I really did appreciate her. Not that I'd ever tell her because she'd never let me live it down. But, She not only put her life on the line but she also put her recovery on hold to help me.

It was a very different experience in Xander's warehouse. Alistair, Casey, Nico along with Xander were all very welcoming. And if I was a betting man, I'd think that Archer and Casey have gotten a bit too close to be just friends... they'd make a good couple.

Xander was in charge - that was obvious. But he seemed to let everyone do their own thing. He was also nice enough to let me take lead.

Casey whom everyone called 'Case' was Xander's hacker and also his step brother. He was as far as I know the youngest at 19. Just out luck. Cass and Case who were both tech savvy, which often led to Pranks with Nico, Archer, and Drew being at the recieving ends.

Nico seemed to be Similar in a lot of ways with Archer which often led to them either agreeing completely with one another or threatening to shoot each other's 'small dick' off. It often made for amusing moments, it also took my mind away from Lucy, even just for a little while.

Alistair was Xander's main undercover, he was often the one they'd send into deep undercover operations. He spent just as much time, maybe more than Drew would spend in the gym.

It was a nice change, we all were friends here, I felt like I could trust Xander and the rest of the crew more than I trusted Grant for all those years.

My eyes wandered over the scenery. Xander's warehouse was more centralised than ours. It was located in the business district of New York as opposed to our warehouse in the far side of the dock on the other side of the city.


I loved her then, the feelings are still there now, but it's like they are hidden deep down under what the boys say is my 'asshole shell' whatever the fuck that is. I can be a nice person when I want to be, just it isn't very often that i fucking want to be. it's a choice. The world is filled with idiots who dont deserve me being nice to them. it's like when my mother asked about my report card and I said that my friends were stupid and they needed to be told.

I honestly sometimes don't know why I keep Archer around...

"I want cheesecake."

"For fuck sake Archer I don't give a shit if you want cheesecake"


"Leon control your fucking child." Xander hisses.

I turn from staring out the window towards the open planned kitchen of Xander's warehouse.

Archer was sitting on the couch sulking while Xander was reading though files for a current case of his.

"But I want cheesecake!..." Archer whines.

"Then go and get some damn cheesecake then and stop whining like a baby." Xander states or rather growls in annoyance.

"I'm not whining like a baby I'm whining like a grown man thank you very much" Archer sasses back.

Casey, Cassidy and Drew made it the perfect time to make their way into the room. They had gone shopping. Apparently Casey needed some parts for his 'super computer' that he and Cassidy were using so Drew escorted them both and it looks like they picked up groceries on the way back.

"Arch!" Casey stated as he walked over towards Archers sulking form on the couch.

"Ahh! I fucking Love you Case!!" Archer yelled as he proceeded to raise the cheesecake above his head in a lion king stance.

Casey's face flushed a light red as he proceeded to mutter "whatever you weirdo..."with a ghost of a smile on his face. Yep definitely something going on there...

"Common' Case, we can watch Criminal Minds while eating this cheesecake" Archer grins as he proceeds to grab Casey's arm ad drag him to the hallway and out of sight.

"I totally fucking ship it." Cassidy states.

"I'll fucking kill him if he hurts Case, that kid has been though enough.-" Xander states. "- although Archer - no matter how fucking much he annoys me seems to be good for him" Xander Relieves.

"Hey! Guys!" Casey comes running back into the room with everyone else.

"I found her."

A/n here you go. Chapter 1 is up and ready to go. It's never to early to start Ships is it? Also did you find all my pop culture references? Who are you all shipping?? Do you think my Archy (Archer + Casey) ship will sink or swim?

I'ma tell it to you all straight, when I write I often only have the plot in my head, the ships relationships and Everything else just sort of happen along the way. So I honestly don't know if my ships will last until the end of the book...

Thank you all so much for reading.

On a side note TMIR has recently just hit 93K views, it's not far off one million and I'm honestly so excited, happy and most of all proud. Thank you all so much for your support.

Please vote and comment!! Let me know your thoughts!

Chapter 2 will be introducing Lucy and Declan and I'm honestly so excited to post it next week.

See you all Saturday. Xx

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