7. My Case Is On Your Case!

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A/N HEY EVERYONE!! GUESS WHAT!!? ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY! WOOHOO! turned 21 today, so as promised! Here's a chappie for you all. Another bonus is that it's Archers POV!! And filled with adorableness between him and Casey, Cuteness of Declan and Sass from the lovely Cassidy. And maybe just a bunch of cringy af shit.

Enjoy my lovelies.

Archer Daniels POV

"Oh-my-god did you guys see how fucking adorable he was!" I ask bouncing on the spot, turning my head back and forth waiting for an answer.

"He was pretty cute." Alistair shrugged before looking back towards the papers in his hand.

"Bullshit Ali! He was fucking adorable! Xander tell Ali off." I state with a grin, knowing that I'm stirring the pot and annoying Alistair.

"Enough with the fucking "Ali" Shit Archer!" Alistair hisses.

Can I say snake! Hahaha I'm a snek...that video was hilarious

"Aww...I sowwry" I drag the word out in a baby voice.

"Arch, I suggest you stop being an asshole before Alistair goes you and I'll help him." Ethan states while still staring at his reflection fluffing his hair in the mirror.

Why is there a mirror in an office? Can I say conceited much!

"Fine." I huff before pouting. Sulking my way over to Casey who was sat at the desk I plopped down in the seat next to him and grabbed his hand.


"Shush." I whisper as I play with his fingers. Pulling his hand towards me I lean back into the chair before smirking at him.

"Why do you have that smirk on your face?..." Case asks me cautiously, with his other hand rested against the keyboard of his laptop with his eyes darting between the screen and myself. My response was to grab his hand and yanked him onto my lap.

Case's legs were stretched over mine as he grabbed my shoulders to steady himself.

"Archer what are you doi-" I placed a finger to his lips, causing his words to die off.

"Archer I swear if you change this amazing G-rated situation to PG-rated I will do unspeakable -painful - things to you." Xander states loudly through a painfully protective tone, causing me to again pout.

What's G-rated that I could do then?


Ah ha!

"But that fucking Snow-white princess movie had that dude kiss her dead corpse and I mean necrophelia is not my fucking thing-but that movie was fucking G-rated Xander!" I proposed loudly.

Casey stares at me with furrowed brows while the others voiced their thoughts.

"Archer what the fuck!" Xander states loudly with disgust on his face.

"You just ruined my favourite fucking Disney princess movie!" Nico states distraught. He seems to pass through the five stages of grief -and looked like he was mentally going through the movie in his mind.

"Are you fuc- Snow White is your favourite Disney movie?" Alistair turns his head to Nico with a disbelieving look on his face.

"-you watch Disney?" Xander states curiously to the group.

"Hey now! Don't diss Disney! It had gems like Mulan, Atlantis The Lost Empire and Treasure Planet! - but please continue to smash Snow White! That stupid fucking movie!" I laugh loudly.

"-you kinky fucking shit Nico! I never thought you had it in you!" Ethan laughs seemingly breaking everyone out of our Disney Discussion. Everyone's heads whip to Ethan who was hysterical in laughter looking at what looked to be Nico's laptop.

"Jesus fuck! Ethan! No don't!" Nico launched himself off his chair and snatched his laptop out of Ethan's hands who was shaking from his laughter.

"You're going to scar our non biological nephew if you keep all this shit up guys." Alistair states to a pouting Nico and all of our antics.

"Im GOING TO BE THE BEST UNCLE EVER GUYS! HE'S GOING TO THINK IM THE BEST! muhahahaha!" I laugh in excitement.

The door swings open to reveal a smiling Leon and a Giggling little carbon copy of him.

Oh my god.

He's the most adorable child I have ever seen

"Close your mouth Arch, you're gonna catch flies" Casey chuckles before pushing my mouth closed by pushing my chin.

"Okay, Baby Boy, you've already met Cassidy and Drew, this is Ethan-" Leon walked further into the room and gestured towards Cassidy and Drew then turned to Ethan who replied with a huge Grin on his face to the giggling little boy in Leon's arms. "-this is Alistair, Nico and Xander-" Leon's mini-me shyly waved at them. "-and that is Casey sitting on your Uncle Archer's lap" Leon states smiling while shaking his head at mine and Casey's position.

"Everyone this is Declan, my son." Leon's voice is proud but breaks slightly at the end of his sentence.

"Hey little man!" Cassidy appeared near Leon and Declan.

"Are you hungry? Daddy needs to speak to your uncles for a min, and I'll have you know that my pancakes are amazingly better than Archer's." I can just imagine Cassidy's shit-eating grin on her face with this statement.

"Excuse me?!" I gasp loudly causing Declan to giggle.

Cassidy takes a giggling Declan from Leon, before whispering something into his ear. She then proceeded to walk out with a Laughing Declan towards the kitchen.

"Cassidy just told me that Case has found a lead to whoever took Lucy." Leon states once the door clicked shut.

"Yeah, I did, I ran facial rec- on the guys that took Lucy - thankfully her apartment building had outside cameras. Two of the men stood out. Alexi Debaro - who is head of security for his brother Demitri - also pictured in the footage - who is head of the Italian Mafia Family Debaro. Along with Anthony Murdoch who is a close friend of the owner and bouncer of Club Ember, where most of the mafia families frequent. It's known as 'neutral territory' with different families and gangs meetings. Presumably Club Ember is our best best." Casey finishes as I smile and kiss his hand.

He's so smart.

"Okay, Xander I want you to look into the Debaros', along with any other alliegences they might have with other important mafia families - they must have taken Lucy for a reason - Case he might need help with intel so help him as much as you can.-" Leon runs his hands over his face before turning to Drew.

"-Drew, I need you and Cass to sit this one out, Declan needs to remain calm, and after everything with Grant I can't just assume that your location is secure. I trust you both to look after him.-" Leon walks over to the desk on the other side of the room.

"-Ethan, Alistair  I want you guys to go undercover at Club Ember. Gather as much Intel as you can on the Debaros' as well as Alexi and Dimitri, speak to as many people as you can to find something out. Nico, I want you to go with them but I don't want you gathering, I want you to blend in, scope the Club out, you can let Ethan and Alistair know if they've been compromised and map a way out. Arch, I want you in on this too." Leon states. I nod my head in recognition.

"We got this." I state loudly.

A/n hey guys! So here you go, a bunch of weird shit for you to celebrate me being one year older!! Will be updating tomorrow as well! However, I am celebrating my birthday tomorrow so it might be a little late -Sunday at the latest. Xx

Till next time my lovelies!

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