23. Raining Hell-Fire

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A/n here's the update for the day! I'm kinda hungover so I'm sorry about all the errors.


Here you go!

Lucy Anermo POV

"Mumma!" Declan ran into my arms.

I squeezed him and hugged him with every ounce of energy I had.

My eyes darted over to Isabella who was rubbing her hand around her throat in an attempt to stop the soreness and pain I'm sure she was feeling.

"We have to get out." Isabella's head snaps up to look at me.

"We have to get her out. You and I both know what they'll do to her." I say shaking my head before taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm my racing heart.

"I stole his phone.." Isabella stated meekly as she pulled the phone from a pocket in her maid uniform.

"We don't any numbers." I say as I run my hands through Declan's hair as he clings to me.

"Cassidy said that my brother, my family are helping her, I know my brother's emergency number. They can get a hold of Cassidy's team." Isabella mutters before typing and dialling the number she wanted.

Isabella De Luca POV

If they, god if they have their way with her...

No. No no. Call Damon.

*Ring ring*

Common. Please still be in service.

"What? Who is this?" Damon's voice rang through the receiver and I let out  an unknown sound of relief.

"fratello maggiore, per favore dimmi che sei Damon?" I brokenly whisper into the phone *Big Brother, please tell me that's you Damon* a sharp intake of breath on the other side of the phone lets me know that he heard me.

"Isabella, la mia sorellina, la mia bellissima sorellina" *Isabella my baby sister, my beautiful little sister*

I clear my throat quietly. "Its me Damon, we need help. Cassidy found us but they found out about her, you need to get the information to her friends-"

"Isabella, they know. They are here with us. Rafael Costa called us. They are here, Leon has been fixed and we are going to get you out. Get all of you out."

God after five years of hell.

"They took her, she gave herself up so they wouldn't hurt the boy, Lucy or me. She just gave herself to them."

"She can handle herself." A voice I didn't recognise stated. "Keep yourselves safe and we will get you out."

Leon Artimis POV

"Fucking stop it" I groan. As the asshole doctor pushes harshly against the wound on my stomach. He shifts his eyes to me and mutters under his breath about me being his worst patient ever.

"I fucking told you!" I shoved the doctor away as I stood up and made my way over to the long table.

Drew, Ethan, Archer, Xander and Casey along with Rafael and Damon De Luca sat around it.

"Leon don't." Drew mutters as he stared at the half full glass of water in front of him.

"Cass can take care of herself." Archer states half heartedly sounding that he was trying to convince himself more than us.

I let out a low growl of frustration before flopping into the seat next to Ethan.

"So what's the plan?" Casey asks quietly as he sat in Archer's lap with an ice pack to his head, hissing as Archer moved the ice pack to another section of his head.

"I've spread the news of Debaro's lack of funds to his business partners, they are withdrawing their standings with the Debaro family, so they are basically on their own now." Ethan stated beside me.

"I've mobilized my men and as Damon has proof that Isabella is alive he also has received numerous offers from other mafaso families." Rafael stated while sending a nod in Damon's direction.

"Let's go."

A/n hey guys! So sorry this is so damn late. I hope you had a good Christmas or what ever holiday you celebrate. I thank you so much for your patience. I'm just going to let you know that the updates will be at random now, depending on how much I can get done. I'm hoping for more than one update a week but don't hold me to that. I also apologize that this chapter is so short. But the next chapter should be full of action to make up for it.

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