3. Tell Us What You Need

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A/n Hey guys! I felt bad for leaving such a big cliff hanger.

How much do you love me? Huh? DOUBLE UPDATE Y'ALL!

Leon Artemis POV

"Cass where the fuck are you?" I groan.

"Don't give me that fucking attitude Leon. We are 20 minutes out okay? Calm your fucking farm. Better yet fucking call her! Casey found her number you need to at least fucking let her know that we're coming and that we aren't going to hurt her or your son." Cassidy states through the phone reciever.

"I can't." I sigh.

"What the fuck do you mean you can't? Leon for fuck sake. I am working on 2 hours sleep because you got me and Drew to leave early and I have no fucking brain cells to deal with your criptic bullshit. I'm alrea-"

"I'm fucking Scared Cassidy! Okay? What if she doesn't want anything to do with me? Or my son? There had to be a reason for her to hide. And not just from us or Grant and Kyle at the time. What if someone else is after her? What if-" I sigh. "-What if she doesn't want me anymore?"

Cassidy sighs. "Leon...-" she pauses. "-i can't honestly say that she still loves you but whether or not that's the case you are entitled to find her and keep her safe. You're allowed to be scared. But I honestly think she still cares for you. Your saw that boy. Your boy. He's a splitting image of you and Lucy it'd be impossible to not think of you daily. Just call her. I'll stay on the line for support if you want?" She asks.

"Thanks." I say as I sigh again before dialling Lucy's mobile number on my cell phone rather than the desk phone I was using to talk to Cassidy.

"You got this. I'm the quiet background character. You'll be fine." Cassidy laughs lightly.

God I fucking hope so.

*Ring ring*

Hello?" God. Her voice. I fucking missed it.

"Uhh hello?" She asks again.

Memories flood my mind of us. The way the corners of her eyes would crinkle as she laughed.

"Luce?" I ask. Please. Just keep talking to me.

"I-Who? Leon?" Her voice barely came out as a whisper.

"I- are you okay? Are-are you both okay?" I stutter, my mind going a million miles a minute. Were they okay? Were they safe?

"Why...why arent you yelling at me?" My brows furrowed in confusion. Is she blaming herself? I'm not angry. I'm so proud of her. She was only keeping herself safe.

Did she expect me to be angry? Was she ever scared of me? God please no.

"Lucy? Are you alright? Baby? God please just talk to me" I beg. I need to hear her.

"Why...?" I hear her ask.

"I thought you were dead. I-I turned into even more of an asshole. I know what happened. But it's okay. It's okay. Grant and Kyle are dead. They can't hurt you or-or our-" I pause...

"Our?" I am sure I can hear her smiling

"Or our son?" I ask. "I god. I don't know his name Luce. Please. Tell me his name?" I need to know his name.

"His name is Declan. Declan Chance Artemis." Her voice carries to me.

"You named him after me?" My eyebrows furrow. She named him after me? I had always hated my middle name Declan.

"I told you I always loved your middle name. God knows how long it took for you to finally tell me..." I heard her laugh.

"Leon why? How did you find me?" Lucy seemed to compose herself and was wanting to know what all this meant.

"I just did. We're on our way. I'm getting the flight organised. Drew and Cassidy are on their way to you now. Just to keep you safe." I say

"Who's Cassidy?" She asked, her voice curious.

"Drew's girlfriend. Who also found out you were alive. She's, she's the you to Drew. Like you are to me. Something so precious that we wouldn't be able to live without you. I don't know how I lasted for five years." I Emphasized.

"Leon I-"  she gets cut off by a small voice screaming for her.

Oh no.

"Momma!!" Declan screams just as alarms started going off.

"Someone's here. Oh god. Declan!" I hear Lucy yell before the phone drops.

"Lucy?! Fuck! Lucy!!" I yell.

"Cassidy?!" I yell panicked.

"We're almost there! I'm so sorry Leon." She states as the line cuts.

"Xander!" I yell grabbing my go bag and as many guns as I could carry.

Xander, Ethan, Archer, Casey and Nico make their way into my office with bags already on their shoulders.

"Tell us what you need Leon." Xander states as the rest of the boys nod.

I give them a thankful smile.

"Someone's got them. Cassidy and Drew will call and let us know. But we're leaving now for LA." I state.

"Case got a safe house set up for us in LA. And Drew and Cassidy can take care of themselves." Archer states with an arm around Casey.

"I'll start looking for clues. I'll also run through the camera footage and see what we can find." Casey stated.

"Let's move." I say as I grab my phone and we make our way to the cars.

If you can. Kick some fucking Ass Baby. I'm coming for you.

A/n hello! How much do you love me!! Huh? HERES A DOUBLE UPDATE FOR YOU ALL!!

This double update was not only because I had the creative juices flowing but also because TMIR has just hit over 100,000 views. I can't believe it. I'm totally freaking out.

Well I had a great time writing this. It showed off the softie in Leon.

Next chapter will be Cassidy's I think just to break it up a bit.

Vote/comment etc like I always ask you to lol.

This time it will be Saturday. I promise. But I doubt any of you are complaining. Hahaha


I love you all and thank you all so much again!


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