31. Family Nightmares

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A/n Hey guys, there's a bit of an author's note at the end of the chapter, please read it if you have the time. Enjoy!

Cassidy Clarke POV

It was dark. But not the normal sort of dark you get when it's one in the morning and the moon is high in the sky. It was a festering dark. It was all around me and I could feel it in me. it was eating away at me.

There was an emptiness, and not just around me. But I felt it in me. I was just. Alone. Nothing.

"You are nothing."

"You don't deserve happiness."

"You don't deserve to have what you have."

Hands came from all directions and grabbed at me. Pulling me around.

The voices echoed louder.

-hate you

-you belong with us

"Oh dear sister, death's door looks good on you." A cackling Infront of me forced my eyes away from the hands.

"Aspen?" My voice was hoarse and sore. I felt weak. I felt that the only reason I was standing was because of the shadowed hands holding me up.

She was missing part of her face or at least one side was so badly burnt that you couldn't even see her right eye.

"You're dead. Well you're pretty close to death, I'm here to hangout." Even as a dead spirit - most likely a figment of my imagination she was still a bitch.

"No." I shake my head.

"No?" Aspen questioned me, and allowed her eyes to wander over me. "Oh dear sister, what is there left to fight for? You're alone here. No one wants you. Then or now."

No! I MATTER! To myself! Drew, Leon, Archer, Ethan, to my family! They are my family I'm not going to give up.

"Go- go back to the hell you crawled out of you fucking bitch. You can try your hardest but you'll have to drag me down with you. And you should know, or rather remember I don't go down easy- just look in a mirror." I seethed.

The absolute shocked faced of my dead sister graced my vision before it became dark once again.

But this time I actually felt the sensation of my body. I seemed to be laying down.

I finally focused on what once was white noise and I now realise was words.

"Yeah...Sooo ahem I have no idea what to say.. you uhh you look fucking shit Cass. I mean, I know you're in a coma and all but like, the least the nurses could do was was Chapstick on your lips or something god. I'll make a complaint for you... Leon said he'd kill you if you died- which you know doesn't actually make sense-"

"Archer she doesn't need the running commentary-"

"-dont interrupt me Ethan. I'm talking. Oh. I thought you'd want to know, Isabella is okay- well physical, mentally is a whole other ball park. Lucy is okay too. Declan is asking about you and something about 'pranking' someone. And I- Oh-"

"Can I have a minute?" Drew's voice filled the black emptiness and I heard somewhere near me Archer getting up from a seat and leaving the room with another set of footsteps.

The scrapping of a chair and a warm hand over mine made me focussed on his hand and the sensation of his calloused hands. - he was always a worker.

"Baby? I-" Drew took in a shaky breath and I felt him grip my hand tighter.

There was more warmth now. His head rested on our entwined hands.

Tears? My big and manly ex Navy Seal was crying for me? Oh baby boy...

"-i swear if you die on me, i- don't know...just don't. I can't live without you...now I understand how you felt when I was bleeding out..."

I smiled at that. At least I think I did, at least mentally.

Common. Common. Move you stupid fucking hand...

My eyes fluttered open and I was met with blinding white.

Oww fuck! Why do hospitals have to be fucking white, like couldn't they do a nice neutral 'black-as-a-soul' type of colour?

As my eyes adjusted to the onslaught of brightness I was finally able to focus on Drew's fluffy hair and head that covered my hand.

"Drew?" His head shot up to look at me. His mouth agape as he all but whimperedly whispered my name "Cassidy?..."

A/n hello my Favourite people! I want to thank you all so much for reading this story - especially With my haphazard updates as of late. I want to remind you all that your comments mean the absolute world to me.
There is one of you that I really really really want to thank. I received words of praise from TrickyCrayon and she made me feel validated as a writer - much like all of your comments make me feel good and validated also. I want to open up my DMs to you all, especially budding writers. I never thought my stories would get people so enthralled with my characters or that you all seem to love the powerful female protagonists that I write, so I want to offer my help - even if it is just brainstorming of ideas for you all, tips and tricks I found out, I want to share all this with anyone who wants to know.

I love and appreciate all of you and your support on my stories

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