22. Waved the Fucking Shit Stick

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A/n hey guys. I know a lot of you hate me but that's okay cause I kind of hate me too. Anyways. Here you go.

Cassidy Clarke POV

Lucy stared at me as Demitri left. It took every ounce of will power to not kill him at that moment. Isabella stood frozen next to me as he left, her once small smile on her face was a thin grim line.

Lucy looked at me again before turning away. I touched Isabella on the shoulder causing her to jump slightly and looked at me startled.

"How about you get the door, I'll speak to you tonight." I state quietly enough as to Lucy to not hear me.

Seeing as I'd spoken to Isabella about who I was, it was only right for me to try and get Lucy to understand who I was.

Scanning the room I watched as Isabella nodded and turned and left the room.

Facing Lucy again she glared at me before taking a step back. She was pulling at what looked like a locator that was secured around her wrist.

"-what are you doing? Ow! Get off me!" Casey's distraught voice came ringing though my ear piece.

"-Alistair what are you doing in here?" Nico's voice asked.

"-hey put the gun down. Alistair common we're friends what are you?-" a gun shot rang through my earpiece before silence ensued. Tears build in my eyes as I stared into space with Lucy staring confused back at me.

Casey must have pressed the talk-back button on his system. I was hearing everything that was going on but they didn't know.

"No! Daddy! Let go! Daddy!" God not Declan. Declan cried out for Leon.

"Alistair! Let go of him! I swear to god!" Another gunshot rang out causing me to jump as tears fell from my eyes.

"Alistair has- I-" my eyes focus on Lucy who was staring at me.

Someone waved the fucking shit stick at us.

They know. They know I'm not a maid. If they don't now they will soon.

Shuffling quickly towards her I grab her wrist and pull out my lock picking kit.

"My- name is Cassidy, I'm friends with Leon, I. Our friend has shot two people and taken Declan. Demitri will know I'm not a maid. I was sent to get you out and Isabella De Luca. I need to get you out of the estate and we can regroup. I don't know if Leon is alive but he's a stubborn asshole who won't quit right?-" I rush out blinking through my tears as I worked on Lucy's locator.

"What? Cassidy? What happen? What?" Lucy rushes out.

"Ah so you are that red head bitch that took the brat!" Spinning around I pulled Lucy behind me holding her hand and squeezing it when I felt her freeze at Demitri's voice.

Demitri stood with a grip on Isabella's neck. Isabella was shaking where she stood as Demitri gripped her forcefully before shoving her to the ground at our feet. Coughing harshly Isabella crawled towards me and wrapped an arm around my knee as pressed her face to my thigh as she gasped for breath through her tears.

Squeezing Lucy's hand with our joined hands I used my other to run my fingers through Isabella's hair in an attempt to console her.

I glared as harshly as I could at him.

"No! Ah! No-o.." Declan's voice rang through the air as I saw Alistair carry the screaming and flailing boy in his arms into the room.

Alistair is working for Debaro

No fucking shit guys.

The words were smug and I hated it.

"Mumma!" Declan yelled as he struggled in Alistair's grip. Lucy attempted to run to Declan but I held her in place with my hand.

"What will it take for you to let him go?" I stated as calmly yet directly as possible as I moved my eyes over to Demitri who had a smug smirk on his face.

"You. We get you and the maid, my Fiancé and the brat will stay in the room." Demitri hissed.

"We will also need your lense cameras and the watch Cassidy." Alistair sneered at me.

Fucking wanker

"Fine." I relent. My fingers stop going through Isabella's hair and I squeeze Lucy's hand before letting it go.

Sidestepping Isabella who was still kneeling on the floor I removed the contact lenses and unfastened the watch on my right wrist.

"Okay let him go." I state as I held out my hand with the items in it. Alistair forcefully shoved Declan to the floor before snatching the gadgets out of my hand and gripping my arm tightly and marching me out of the room.

I'ma break his face.

Once we were out of the room and Demitri followed and slammed and locked the door I spun around and got in two fast and strong punches to Alistair's face before my wrists were pulled tightly behind my back.

"You fucking bastard. He was your best fucking friend! And you betrayed them for what! Money!" I groan in the guard's grip.

"Oh. So you know then? You also know I shot Leon?" He asked chuckling as he wiped the blood from his lip and mouth with the back of his hand.

I growled into my teeth and lunged at him as I spat in his face.

Alistair made a disgusted noise before back-handing me in the face, making my face fly to the side.

Feeling blood trickle down my cheek I look at his hand and saw blood on his ring.


"Take her downstairs and get her comfortable." Demitri chuckles.

The guard's grip on my wrists tightened and I silently winced as he shoved me forward.

This has gone fucking sideways.

A/n hey guys, the next update will be this evening. Give me a couple of hours or so and I'll post it.

Thanks guys!


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