5. Shadow Of A Doubt

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A/n hey guys! Welcome back! I honestly found this chapter difficult to write. Mostly because I haven't really written in Lucy's POV at all, it's a little clunky so I apologize in advance. I also never realised how difficult it was to write in a character pov who cannot see currently...

Lucy Anermo POV

"Uhh Boss look!" I heard one of Demitri's men shout.

"That red head bitch is taking the brat!" Another stated

"Did you see what that fucking bitch did to Arlo! Damn." One from the front of the car said.

"Mrrphm" I groan.

Please. Get him away from them.

"Stop fucking moving you stupid bitch" Demitri's voice states in my ear as he grips my arms in a vice-like grip.

"Tie her ankles." He states just as a phone rings.

"What?" Demitri grunts.

"Yes. Send the three extra cars. Stupid fucking red head bitch thinks she can mess with me she has another thing coming."

Someone on the otherside of the car grabs my ankles and begins winding them with rope. I groan and attempt to shuffle around but I'm grabbed around the waist and squeezed in Demitri's grip.

"Mrrpphmm!" Kicking my legs in an attempt to get away from him.

"Just drive!" Demitri yells. The car gains speed as we take a hard right turn forcing me to slide to the side.

"We've got a fucking tail." I'm assuming who the driver is, hisses

"It's Drew Fucking Garrett! Him and Leon Artemis' crew fucked everything up when they got rid of the Serpents and Kyle."

Drew. That means that His girlfriend is Cassidy and is saving Declan.

"We've- what the fuck do you mean you lost the bitch!?" Demitri grunts.

After a while - a several if not many more turns the car started to slow down.

The sound of doors opening caused me to groan. Demitri thought that hitting me over the head with his gun to be a best way to stop me from shuffling around. It didn't by the way, just caused a wicked headache for me.

Declan was safe. Thanks to Leon, and the boys. And this new Cassidy woman. Personally I already liked her. Besides if she could deal with Leon and the boys she should be classified as both a saint and a genius.

Someone grabbed my arms and pulled me out of the door. Groaning as I landed atop a shoulder blade we began moving.

"I don't give a shit. I want that brat! If the Devil's want a war they have one. I won't rest till everyone of them are dead starting with that red head bitch. And maybe that bastard son"

"Mrrpphmm!" I groan, slamming my tied wrists into the man holding me back. With him grunting in response to the impact.

"Donny, follow me and let's get her comfortable." Demitri stated.

We turned before walking up several steps. With Donny purposefully making me bounce with each step.

"Throw her on the bed and leave..."

For a second I was in the air before landing on a soft comforter. Hearing a door click shut as the bed dipped next to me hand we squirming in the opposite direction.

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