24. My Sister Hit Harder

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A/n My brain dead mind that's working on caffeine and hope wrote this for you.

Cassidy Clarke POV

"My sister hit Harder than that you bald fuckwit wanker!" I yell as I spat the blood that leaked from my nose and ran into mouth.

He - whom I dubbed as fuckwit Hairless - a bald scary as fuck looking man who's job was to 'tenderise' me.

Damn. I could seriously go for a steak right now. Oh! And like some nice roast potatoes. And so much salt.

"What are you thinking about?" As fuckwit pulls my face towards his harshly.

"Oh? Just dinner." I wickedly grin with what I'm sure are blood stained teeth. I force a small shrug even though my arms were suspended with chains from the ceiling. His face contorted into a confused look.

Rearing my head back I use my forehead to smash into his nose. Hearing a satisfying loud crack and then his agony filled screech.

I flip my hair out of my face and see him stumble back holding his nose gasping in pain.

Good. He fucking deserves it making me come out of my food fantasy.

"Why you bitch!" He groans out angrily before taking two menacing steps towards me.

Gritting my teeth I twist my hands around the chains above my wrists and use them to pull my weight up.

A kick to his stomach has him gasping for breath just as I wrap my legs and thighs around his neck and squeeze.

"You. Mother fucking. Bastard. Go to. fucking sleep." I groan every time I squeeze tighter around his neck with my legs.

He begins thrashing around and attempts to remove my legs from around his neck but without any luck. Instead he pushes me back and therefore stretches my arms into a painful position because of the chains attached to the roof.

"Ah fuck! You asshat!" I hiss as I readjust my hold on the chains. I began to feel his movements getting sluggish. And I finally loosened my grip on his neck as he fell to the ground.



"-the fuck?"

My feet landed on the ground as I flipped the lose strands of hair out of my face and came face to face with three more of Demitri's men,one of which was his cousin - Devlin?

Giving them a sickly grin, I roll my shoulders back before asking.

"Well who's next lads?" I laugh darkly.

The one on the left visibly pales and my carefree attitude while the one on the right darts his eyes from me to Devlin who stood in the middle of them both.

"Both of you, get him out of here and watch the door." Devlin states harshly not taking his eyes off me.

The two men shuffle towards me and take fuckwit baldy and drag him out of the room.

"Oh how I'm going to enjoy this." I glare as harshly as I could locking my emotions deep inside.

Fucker doesn't know what's gonna hit him.

A low growl made its way out of my throat.

"Well common pin prick." I spit at his feet.

He narrows his eyes at me before taking two menacing steps towards me. He stood roughly a foot taller than me.

Sucker. My Drew is Taller.

Pain rushed through my head as Devlin gripped my hair and pulled my head back to face him.

"My dear cousin has given me permission to take you first. Just made me promise that there wouldn't be too much- how'd he put it? - surface damage." He chuckled.

Biting my lip to hide my pain, I tightened my grip on the chains before bringing my knee right up to his crotch I saw the pain flash through his eyes as he loosened his grip on my hair dropping to his knees as he held his privates.

Using the same knee I then kneed him in the face that was eye level to my lower body.

"Mother fucking asshole." Knee, followed by a kick.

He was a groaning mass on the floor muttering about how much pain he was going to put me through.

I attempted to loosen the shackles on my wrists.

Common, common. Ugh common!

I looked down and saw Devlin attempting to stand up.

Ugh fuck

There was a commotion outside the door before the door swung open and a gunshot rang through my ears.

Devlin lay motionless on the ground.

Looking up I see a figure.

"What the fuck?" My voice breaks.

Unknown POV

I felt so angry.

And fucking sore.

None of us seemed to have any fucking luck.

Maybe I should retire.

Just retire to the Bahamas or something.

But I've got business I need to finish.

Hand him his fucking ass. And of course save the Damsels in distress, although, one will probably be less distressed than the others.

She'd probably be seriously angry.

I'd be angry too.

I'm already angry.

Making my down the basement corridor. I hugged up against the corner tuning in on a conversation further down the hall.

"Did you see what that red head bitch did to him?"

"But Devlin is harder and stronger than him."

"But you saw her, she was fucking enjoying herself."

I grinned widely at the thought of her beating up a bunch of Italian Mafia Men.

Walking out from the corner I hid my gun in the back of my jeans.

"Hey! Who the fuck are you?"

"Oi what are you doing down here-"

A punch to his face and an elbow to the other guard sent them to the ground unconscious.

I really need to thank her for those moves.

Kicking the door open I look down to see Devlin Debaro attempting to stand up.

Pulling my gun from my waistband I like up my shop and shoot.

Cassidy jumps at the sudden noise and looks up.

"What the fuck?" Her voice breaks every so slightly.

A/n do people even read these notes? I honestly don't care if you don't, it's just a one sided conversation with myself. Hahahaha love me.

Tell me your favourite character or things about the book!

Right now writers block is winning so I need some adorable comments from you amazing people to make me feel better and write more.

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