10. Pretty Boys Get Things Done

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A/n Hey guys, not much to say... This chapter is both Alistair and Ethan's (like half and half I'm thinking roughly.) The first half is them getting ready and I'm time skipping to when they're at Club Ember because all the bits in between are boring.

Anyways enjoy!!

Alistair Quinn POV

"Xander's married?" Ethan turns away from his mirror, to me with a perplexed look on his face.

I shrug. "He was undercover and under the covers with Rafael Costa, something like 6 years ago. Xander was 18 or 19 at the time while Rafael was 21 I think, from memory.-" I paused as I turned back to my closet and rummaged through trying to find an outfit that would be suitable for a high class club like Ember.

"-Before Xander went solo, he was a part of a 'section' I guess you could say of the Assassination Agency known as Phoenix. Before the current boss, Phoenix just wandered around picking up people who didn't have anyone - typically orphans or homeless kids and trained them up to be Assassins. Xander was caught nicking the guy's wallet and they trained him to be better, anyways Rafael was Xander's mission he was supposed to steal a hard drive which had enough information on it to level the Italian Mafia to dust. But Rafael actually liked Xander and cared for him - which no one had done until then. He saved his life, he was running with Rafael and pushed him out of the way of a bullet and got it himself. Rafael even helped Xander fake his death so he could get out of Phoenix. It's also the reason he uses an Alias as well as an organisation name."

Ethan nods in recognition. "It was kind of adorable when they saw each other beforehand." I nod back.

"Xander was freaking out, I wonder what he was thinking at that time..."

"He was freaking out, probably about what he was going to say to him. I mean, it has been six years since they'd seen Each other with basically no contact." I shrug. Finally finding something I thought worthy of Ember I pulled on a pair of black jeans followed by a wine red dress shirt, rolling up the sleeves to my elbows and keeping the top two buttons undone.

"Let's go."


*Several song filled hours later...*

"Oh babe, come and dance with me..." The woman - Willow - pouted in my general direction.

"Ha! She calls that dancing!" I hear Nico laugh through my earpiece, and see his shoulders moving as he sat in the corner of the club listening to mine and Ethan's Conversations.

"Sweetheart, I've already danced with you three times in the last hour, and I  just don't know if I can keep letting you humilate me on the dance floor any longer.." I gave willow a dazzling as she giggled drunkenly at me.

Nico snorts "-more like he doesn't want to breaking his toes any more times tonight." He Snickers.

"Sorry hunny, you've had way too much to drink. Give him your number and we are leaving okay?" Willow's more sober friend stated as she put an arm around a wobbly Willow.

"Here, just so you actually know I'm not lying, here's my number" I say as I write my - one of my numbers - messily down on a napkin. Willow greedily takes the napkin from my hand and giggles as her friend pulls her away towards the door.

"You can't complain Alistair, she actually did help you with some Intel. Suppose it's helpful that she works at a restaurant owned by Debaro." Nico's chuckle moves through our ear pieces just as Ethan makes his way towards me before dropping into the stool next to me.

Ethan Turner POV

"Any luck?" I ask.

Alistair nods as he takes a sip of his beer.

"Yeah, Debaro has 4 safe houses in L.A., he also has 7 warehouses by the docks, he has allegiances with two other crime families - the Russo's and Romano's - Russo's are allied through marriage - Debaro's cousin Emanuel married into the Russo's family - and the Romano's are allied through business. If we needed to we could possibly make a rift between the Romano's and Debaro." I nod in recognition, as I turn in my chair and take a sip of my whiskey and coke as my eyes drift over the bar area and the club.

"I found out - from the bouncers - that Debaro is getting tight on money, he hasn't been able to pay his employees so we might have an in there too. Silas also stated that someone has been hitting Debaros' shipments, there's also talk that Demitri is going to use Lucy to bond with the Anermo - Lucy's family - mainly for financial gain. There's been whispers that Lucy's father would be stepping down once they found Lucy and she married Demitri. - not like she'd do that willingly though."

"He'll get what's coming to him. Demitri is an asshole Afterall." Alistair mutters.

"Why the fuck are you asking about my brother!?" A voice hisses. Alistair and I turn our heads to face an angry looking Alexi Debaro with a posè of four others.

Oh shit...

"Well fuck." Alistair mumbles.

Well fuck is right.

A/n well TaDa! A link to my other book series. It's only small but as I posted a while ago basically all of my stories occur in the same universe. And ohhhh Cliffhanger... I'ma be honest. I left it on the cliff hanger because I didn't know how to end the chapter... But oh well!! Till next time guys! And I'm sorry for it being such a late update...

Till next time.

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