18. Bitch It's My Plan! I'm Going!

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A/n Hey everyone! Get excited! For what you may ask? I have no idea, just be excited? For me? That I'm actually sticking with my updating schedule! I wrote this last week after publishing the previous chapter! So it's actually done and ready for you to read right now!

Cassidy Clarke POV

"Fuck No!" Drew hisses as he wraps his arms around my waist and yanks me off my spot on the couch and into his lap causing me to yelp at the sudden movement.

"Not in a million fucking years!" Leon state is a hushed hiss. He was pacing the floor. He did that when he was stressed, which seemed to be a lot over the last few months.

"Dre-" I start.

"No. Its not happening." Drew states, cutting me off.

Wanker! Don't interrupt me!
We were all hold up in the large office area of our safe house. Declan was in bed. And we were attempting to come to terms with the plan of attack in getting Lucy back.

Rafael and Xander were sharing a couch, while Archer had Casey sitting in his lap with him typing away at the desk on th far right-hand side of the room. Ethan and Alistair were lounging in chairs to the side of us and Nico was sitting on the floor looking very amused at my current situation.

Stop laughing douche-canoe.

I squirm in Drew's hold before diving for the floor. Jumping up I see Rafael send me an amused look from his and Xander's couch.

While Nico was attempting to keep his snickering to a minimum and a low level.

I had spoken to both Xander and Rafael and devised that I was the best person to go undercover.

Alistair and Ethan had already helped me find a dark brown wig to cover my red hair - which happened to be the only thing that anyone of Debaros' men happened to see except for the man I fought when I got Declan. But thanks to Rafael's friends apparently they were able to eliminate him so no one would know my face.

Damon De Luca, seemed to love the idea of getting revenge on Arlo Giovanni, who had a hand in his sister's murder.

What Xander told me - and didn't tell anyone else was that he believed that De Luca's sister was alive and possibly being held in the house that I was attempting to get into when I finally got Drew and Leon to agree to it.

"Bitch it's my plan! I'm going whether either of you like it or not!-" I say as I glare at Leon and Drew with my hands on my hips. 

"-I'm also the only one that Demitri doesn't know about! They saw my hair and that's it. Alistair and Ethan have already helped me in getting into a disguise. I'm also well trained and more than capable. And Drew, I know what Lucy could be going through. With my past, and what we've read about Demitri, he's not going to stick to appearances for much longer and the sooner I am there, the sooner I can keep Lucy safe." I glare at both Leon and Drew as harshly as I can.

Drew sighs deeply before opening his arms. I walk into the as he pulls me in between his legs and rests his head on my stomach. "She's right Leon, while it's not common knowledge, They could have found out about Casey, Alistair and Xander and Nico." Drew sighs.

I look at Leon. "Leon, Declan deserves to grow up with both of you, and this is the only way we'll be able to get Lucy back." Leon glares at me as I roll my eyes and give him a bland look.

Giving in, he sighs before muttering a disgruntled 'fine' "but! I want you to do a run down of the training course again. Just to be safe." I nod in understanding, presumably this would be the only way they'd let me do this.

Casey made his voice known as he looked up from his laptop, towards me. "The back-stopping for your alias is done. I made sure you had a good set of credible sources and references to make it more believable, along with a work history that'll make the damn Queen want you as a personal maid." Casey laughs lightly at his statement, and I see Archer smile at Casey and his antics.

God they are so fucking cute...

I huff out an annoyed breath. "Drew, god why aren't we that damn cute?" I pout as I turn around to Look down at Drew who is looking up at me with an amused grin.

"Archer is just copying what you guys were lik-" Archer's hand clamps over Casey's mouth and he turns to face us with a sheepish grin.

"Psshhh. Casey's tired. He needs to go to bed now. Night guys!" Archer then proceeds to remove his hand from Casey's mouth and ends up throwing him over his shoulder before making a rush to exit the room.

"Wait. Were we really that clingy and adorable?" I ask Confused.

"Yes. You being the adorable and Drew being the Clingy." Ethan states factually with a shrug and a grin in our direction.

"What can I say except I love her. And I'm a man and I don't have not need any of the toxic masculinity. I'm allowed to feel and show my emotions." Drew refines with a kiss on my stomach.

I smile a big smile down at him.

He's learnt to be okay with himself.

"I love you." I state profoundly.

Drew mumbles an 'I love you' into my stomach before nuzzling his nose in the place he kissed.

"God I need to either Aww really loudly or throw up in that wastebasket and I'm too confused to choose which one." Nico's voice groans.

"-ah! Fuck! Xander what the fuck!"

"Don't be an ass, Alistair love you." Ethan Snickers before Alistair jolts up

"The fuck? No I fucking don't!"

"God. What the fuck did I do to deserve this." Leon groans before leaving the room.

Yep. One weird, fucked up family alright.

A/n hey guys! Here's your chapter! And it's on time! Are you proud of me!? I wrote this, while studying for 2 exams - 4 hours worth of testing, along with 3 assignments as well as writing a draft for a different story, along with preparing myself for an educational placement that I start next week. (I'm studying to be a teacher!) So I'm actually really proud and happy with myself with posting this on time.

Till next time lovelies!


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