32. Family Ties and Bigger Lies

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A/n hey guys, hope everyone is staying safe in this crazy time.

Leon Artimis POV

Cassidy was awake. Finally. I would have killed her if she didn't wake up. Not that that makes any sense - none of this really does though.

I wanted to spend time with Lucy but she understood. She was here at the hospital with us. Cass was getting released today. She'd woken up about a week ago. We'd all taken it in turns to hang out. Even Lucy and Declan had spent an hour and a half with her. They seemed close. Even Isabella De Luca came over with her brothers to see how she was.

Archer said that Cass was the crazy 'sticky-as-fuck glitter glue' that kept us together, along with the glitter part where she'd now gotten the De Luca's to appreciate her. Because glitter gets everywhere and never leaves. That's our Cassidy.

Declan has decided to call her 'His Cassidy' and had dubbed her his aunt - as soon as he found out the term.

"Leon?" I turned my head to see Lucy looking up at me. We were sitting on the couch in the lounge room of our safehouse. The De Luca's had put us on their payroll - at least for the time being - with Cassidy's effort - I call stubbornness - to help and rescue Isabella they wanted to employ our skills - or even just to give us a place to stay until we sorted ourselves out.

"Are you alright?" I ask. I had to ask. Almost everytime she said my name it was still surreal. She gave me her usual kind smile.

"I'm fine. Are you?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why wouldn't I be? That's a lie. I know why.

"Of course. Why do you ask?" I replied, still confused. Would you look at that. I'm lying to the love of my life because I can't get a hold of my emotions.

She gave me a look. She knew I wasn't okay. We had so much to think and talk about. Especially with the information the De Luca's gave me about Cassidy. It was next level cluster-fuck. After everything that had happened, this was just something else. It seemed that we had a good thing happen and then we got shot in the foot with something equally bad or something worse. This was completely worse.

"Yo! Leon! Where you at?" Archer's voice rang through the hallway as I heard the front door open and close followed by chatting from everyone else who had entered.

Cassidy's voice rang through the hallway.

She sounded good. She sounded better. So much better. But I feel that anyone would be better. You could still be having a horrible day but not a 'shot and nearly died' bad day.

Cassidy Clarke POV

"Are you sure you're okay? I can carry you?" Drew was protective - extremely protective? - even that doesn't sound right with how he was. I feel that if he could, he'd wrap me up in bubble wrap so I wouldn't get hurt.

That actually might be fun, at least I wouldn't get bored. Anyone who doesn't like popping the bubbles on bubble wrap is some kind of scary personified monster.

I looked up at Drew, he was tired, I'm also sure he hadn't showered in the last few days. The boys had to basically drag him out of my hospital room the last few weeks to make sure he'd eaten.

He was a pouty faced child when this occured. "The doctor's cleared me" I said gently.

He gave me a nod. He understood, but it didn't make it any less scary. I nearly died. I still hadn't completely come to terms with that myself. The doctor's suggested therapy, and I genuinely think it's a good idea. Maybe the De Luca's can hook me up with Bella's Therapist, she said she was going better when she visited.

Archer said that leon wanted to meet all of us. Probably to say how amazing we'd all been. Or maybe he wanted to announce that we were going to be joining the De Luca mafia?

We made our way into the living room where I saw Leon sitting on the couch and Lucy behind him at the back of the couch. It was late in the evening, everyone felt it safer to move me under the 'cover of darkness', it also meant that Declan was asleep, so I'm assuming that it'd be a important meeting.

"What's going on Leon?" I asked as I sat down in the chair that resided opposite the couch.

Leon sighed before looking back at me.

"There's been, a situation..." He carried off.

Furrowing my brows "what kind of situation?" I ask. Bitch. I just got shot, nearly killed. And you're telling me we got more fucking issues?

"Leon, what the hell is going on?"

"It's... difficult to explain."

"Try and explain it to me then!"

"Your last name isn't Clarke!"



"It's- your last name isn't Clarke, it's Russo, your full name is Cassidy Valencia Russo.."

Russo? Russo? As in mafia family Russo?

"So you're telling me right now that I'm fucking related to one of the most wanted families in the world? The Russo family who is also basically in fucking charge of the whole bloody italian mafia collation? Leon, I swear to fucking God if this is bullshi-"

"It's not bullshit, I helped the De Luca's with it. You are part of the Russo family."

"Jesus christ. What the fuck." I began running my hands over my face. This was beyond fucked. 

"What- I- Uh..do they know?...about me?" Did they know? If I was part of their family so was Aspen-

"What the fuck am I supposed to say about Aspen? Oh yeah, I took a lighter and can of hair spray to my twin" Jesus Christ.

"-technically she was trying to kill you first. Technically self defence..." Archer states from across the room. I take a minute to stare at him. More like glare.

"Yes they know you are alive and who you are. And they want to meet you. You are their family after all." Leon was so damn calm about all this.

Lovely. Just fucking great. What the hell is going to happen now?

A/n heeeeeyyyy sooooo I'm not dead! So sorry it's taken so long for this update. I've been so dang busy with my personal life. I genuinely didn't expect so many people being interested in this story let alone this sequel. But I sincerely thank you and love you all for your support. As you can tell this isn't the end of your Devil's Possession Family. It's just a. New chapter haha. I genuinely can't say when I'll start working on the next book but I am trying. Please let me know your thoughts on this book. I love reading your comments.

Sending my love and hoping y'all are being safe!

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