29. Blip for Blip

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A/n heyo everybody, here's the next chapter, sorry it's late. I've started back at uni.

Anyways here you are:

Nico Skies POV

As Isabella and myself made our way down the hallway we heard people fighting and shouting.

The Rest of the Gang must be here now.

"Nico?" I turn to face Isabella, she was standing next to me but making sure to keep her distance with me.

After what she's been through over the last five years I would be weary of people.

"Yes?" I ask calmly as I turned back towards the corridor we were walking down.


Acting as fast as I could I grabbed Isabella's forearm and pulled her into me just as bullets started flying around us.

Pressing ourselves up against the wall from the raining bullets, Isabella froze in my grip before she shoved her face into my chest while holding onto both sides of my shirt in her fists with her bat in the crook of her elbow joint.

"hey, i got you, i AM. going to get you to your brothers, i promise." sincerity laced my words. 

I knew what she was going through - not exactly but the abuse she'd had to deal with, she was stronger than she will give herself credit for.

"Hey! Motherfucker!"

Rude! im having a moment fuckwit!

 Dante De Luca POV

Shes's alive.




No. no. No. She's Alive. She's strong. We will help her get through it.

"Dante?" Enzo hissed at me as he shoved my arm with his elbow as he checked the clip in his gun.

"Get yourself back into focus." Damon stated on the other side of me.

"Are you good?" Leon's Friend Archer asked as he pulled - who i assume is his partner - along with him who's head was buried in a iPad and was throwing out different locations and numbers of men we were about to face, along with the location of Leon's family and apparently where our sister and their other friend were at.

I nod and mumble a 'yesim good' before we all set out heading towards the doors.

Leon Artemis POV

We were so close. I was so close to seeing her again. It was all I could think about. To see her, to touch and embrace her, her whom I thought was dead for the last five years.

Casey relayed the mapped information to each of us and we decided to split up into groups to cover more ground. The De Luca Brothers decided to look for their sister who was with Nico - as thought to be the singular extra blip on the display screen, on the far West side of the estate and on the third storey, while the rest of us - excluding the extra Mafia families who were helping us, decided to go for the three blips who resided on the east side of the estate and seemed to be going down a level.

We had lost the element of surprise but with the support we had, along with each other we felt that we were prepared for what ever the Debaros wanted to throw at us.

Clicking the safety off my gun we walked through the manicured gardens and lawns, and passed an over the top water feature before we met with any resistance.

"We're under attack!" One of the men yelled.

You were under attacked when we blew up the damn gate you idiot...

Drew stalked beside me while Archer, Casey and Ethan, and Xander and Rafael split up together, in groups of three and two.

"Alright, you take the three on the right I'll take the ones on the right." Drew stated as we raised our guns and fired at the oncoming men.




Three dead for myself and four for Drew.

Show off.

Archer, Ethan and Casey seperated
From us and made their way towards the right hand side door while Drew and I went to the left hand side door.

"I got it." Drew stated as he kicked the door open. Coming face to face with a gun he threw another kick to disarm the man there.

Turning to check the other entries of the room I pointed my gun as my eyes scanned over the room. The room was trashed with furniture everywhere along with the dead body on the floor bleeding from the head.

Drew nodded towards an entry as we heard voices getting closer.

"Drew. Leon." Cassidy let out a sound of relief as she lowered her gun and stepped to the side so I could see my family.

"Daddy!" Declan's voice rang through the empty space and Lucy just stared at me and reached her hand out towards me with tears in her eyes.

"Leon?..." She asked as I walked fastly towards her and engulfed her and Declan into my arms. She let out a shaky sigh as she gripped my bicep tightly with her hand, while holding Declan in her other arm.

"Common, you are leaving." Cassidy stated and we turned to face her.

"What? Cas-"

"No. Leon, you are getting them out. That was the mission, the De Luca's have free reign on this. We got who we needed to. And I'm not chancing anyone else getting hurt okay." Cassidy stated forcefully to which I just nodded in confirmation.

Should know by now not to argue with her...

"Let's get out of here." Drew stated, as he radioed the rest of the guys with their locations.

A/n honestly don't know how i can apologize for the fact that it took me over a month to update this. i've just not been in a good head space at all, between studying and writers block and a whole lot of procrastination this story is kicking my ass. hahaha anyways, here's the FUCKING LONG AWAITED CHAPTER for you all.

I'm so sorry for messing yall around

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