19. Maid For Undercover

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A/n hey guys! Just a content warning. - mentions of rape. So yeah be weary of reading if it can trigger you.


Cassidy Clarke POV

"-and this is a contact lense camera, it'll disguise your eye colour but also! will send us live video footage of what you're seeing." Casey states excitedly as he hands me the small box with brown contact lenses camera things.

I was glad to finally be doing something. I was leaving in the morning to report to the Debaro household. My first job was to find where Lucy was, what type of security there was on her along with looking around to see if I could find out about Isabella De Luca. Francesca Debaro was meant to be meeting with me to 'show the house' and what my jobs would be. Presumably I would be a personal maid for Lucy to prepare her for the bogus wedding which wasn't that far away from happening.

~The next Day~

Well this is actually fucking terrifying.

"Ah you must be the new maid! Its simply a pleasure to meet you! Did you really clean that celebrity's hous-"
The annoying bratty maid who's name was Abbie was cut off by someone coming down the stairs.

"Abbie, you should be doing your chores dear."

"Oh. Oh! Sorry ma'am-" Abbie turns back to me and sends me a large smile. "-it was a pleasure to meet you Cassandra. I will see you later I'm sure." Abbie then proceeded to wink awkwardly at me before shuffling off down the hall to the left of the entrance I was standing in.

I then turned around to face Francesca Debaro. "Its lovely to meet you Cassandra" Francesca nods in my direction adding emphasis to my fake name.

"Let me show you arou-" Francesca was cut off my the slamming of a door and loud talking from several men.

"-Arlo is missing!" One stated.

"He couldn't have just fucking vanished could he!?" Another voice growls.

"The fucking Devil's Posession." I heard another one mutter angrily.

We are just that fabulous.

Turning around the corner they notice myself and Francesca in the entryway.

"Mother who is this?" Demitri asks calmly yet standoffish as he looked me up and down.

I can only imagine how Drew was angrily yelling when he saw how Debaro was looking at me like through the cameras in the contacts I was wearing.

I was dressed in a company maid outfit complete with a frilly skirt and dressy looking shirt.

"Hmmm? Oh this is Cassandra Dantabryan, she's going to be your bride-to-be's maid, or at least one of them.-" Francesca laughs lightly. "-Cassandra dear, these are my sons - Alexi and Demitri, along with their cousin Devlin." Francesca nods and gestures with her hand to each of them.

"Isabella is her maid, not this one." Devlin states as he runs his eyes up and down the length of my body.

Isabella? De Luca?

"Clearly I will go wherever I am needed, perhaps this Isabella can show me the work required? The last thing I want to do is take someone's job" I state humbly with a small smile to Francesca.

"No it will be fine. Isabella is loose by now anyway." Demitri mumbles while scanning his eyes over me once again. Alexi and Devlin chuckle quietly beside him.

Loose? Oh that fucking bastard. I'm going to fucking kill him.

No. Focus. Focus. Find Lucy and Isabella and get them out. Stick to the plan.


The plan.

If there's time I can kill the rapist later.

If. There's time.

Fuck that. I'll make the fucking time.

"What was that dear?" Francesca asks.

Demitri clears his throat before turning to face his mother. "I said that Isabella can show Cassandra here the work she needs to do and Isabella can become Devlin's personal maid." Devlin makes a cruel looking smirk at this thought.

God. Don't tell me they took fucking turns.

"Alright. I will show you to the servants quarters, Isabella should be there." Francesca nods at her sons before gesturing for me to follow her.

"It was a pleasure to me you." I smile and nod and them before shuffling quickly past them.

"I'm willing to fight you to have her first cousin." Devlin states making my skin crawl.

I shuffle down the hallway following after Francesca.

Francesca kept up appearances and just pointed out the different rooms and stated what they were.

Finally making our way to the other side of the house. Standing outside a door. "Here's the service quarters, Isabella should be on her break. She knows that she will be showing you around." Francesca nods again before walking away.

As much as she is helpful I hate how passive she is with everything disgusting and horrible thing her family does. She herself might be a victim but it. It just doesn't sit well with me.

I take a deep breath before opening the brown oak door. Standing in Front of me was a woman roughly 5 foot 6 inches tall with dark black wavy hair.

Turning around to face me I was met with the face of Isabella De Luca.

Phase one complete.

God I've always wanted to say that.

A/n hey guys! Sorry it's late tonight  but it's still Saturday! Anyways here's the chapter. Slightly shorter than normal but I'm already working on the next chapter. Soooooo enjoy!

Till next time!


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