4. Rock-a-bye Bad-Guy

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A/n hey guys! I kinda hated myself with the last couple of chapters... I swear it wasn't meant to be like that but I wrote it and just went with it.

Anywho, here's a lovely sassy Cassidy POV

Cassidy Clarke POV

"Fuck fuck fuck, Drew go go go!" I hiss as I disconnect the call with Leon.

"I'm going!" Drew hisses as he steps on the gas pedal.

We take the corner quickly just as we see a group of men - one of which carrying a woman with a bag over her head - who we are assuming is Lucy along with a hulk like man holding a squirming and screaming young boy.

"Drew you go for the guys I'll get the kid!" I yell as I shoved open the door of the still moving car.

"I swear to fucking god Cass! I'll spank your fucking ass if you keep jumping out of the fucking when it's still fucking moving!" He yells as he drives off to chase the car that had Lucy inside.

"Stop moving you stupid brat!" The asshole states and he shoved who I'm assuming is Leon's child into the back seat of his car.

"I want mumma!" He cries just as the asshole slammed the door shut.

"Hey! Asshole!" I yell as I pull my gun. He spins around staring at me in anger. My eyes wander of his face to his his broken nose.

Nice job kid. Already like your father.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asks with an accent. Italian I believe.

"That's not important, but either you give me the kid or I shoot you and take the kid." I state with gritted teeth glaring in his direction.

"Ha! You expect me to believe you would shoot me when the brat is watching" he laughs.

My eyes dart to the little boy, tear streaks down his cheeks and his bright blue eyes wide and glossy.

I grit my teeth as I look back to the man in front of me.

"You're right." I say slowly. I shove my gun back into my waistband before charging at him.

Throwing a hard punch to his right cheek he spits to the side as I shove him out of the way of the window and of the child's view. Bringing my left knee up I knee him in his stomach while slamming my elbow into his shoulder.

"Fuck!" He groans as he falls to the ground. I look up to see black SUVs pulling up with men in suits getting out. Shit. Time to go.

I bent down to the groaning Bruce Banner slash hulk and rummaged through his pockets.

"Common common, fucking keys" my eyes darted up to the roughly dozen of men getting out of the cars.

"Got it." I snatch the keys before quickly opening the back seat door.

"Hey little man, I'm just going to put your seatbelt on and we can get you to safety, hey" I quickly wiped his tears and locked the seatbelt in place.

"I want mumma" his bottom lip quivered as me whimpered out the words.

"I know little man, and I'll get her back I promise." I fucking hope.

"Hey! That bitch is taking the brat!"

And that's our cue to leave.

I shut the back door probably too forcefully and yanked open the drivers side door.

"Shit shit shit." I mutter and launch myself into the seat.

My eyes dart to the men making their way towards the car.

"Gotcha you fucking bitch." I gasped as hulk man held the door open.

"You. Do. Not. Swear. In front. Of a child. You fruitcake!" I yell as I kick my leg out into his stomach inadvertently shoving him away and slamming the door shut.

Turning the key I started car and put it into drive before speeding off down the road.

My eyes dart to the rear vision mirror to see a fucking hoard of those fucking SUVs following and gaining on us.

"Shoot" I mutter, being careful of my swearing in front of the little boy in the back seat.

I should probably tell him who I am...

"Hey little man, my name is Cassidy, but you can call me Cass okay? I'm a friend of...uhh I'm a friend of your daddy's." I say gently as I make a quick turn left.

"Y-you know my daddy?" He asks quietly.

"I do. I-" my phone begins ringing loudly. Rumaging through my jeans pocket I yank it out before clicking answer.


"Cass! What's going on? Where are you? I lost the car, but Case picked up the phone call one of the guys in that car that took Lucy, and they said about you getting Declan?" Drew asks

"Yes I have Declan but we have some unwanted tails, I can't seem to shake them without need-for-speeding it but I can't do that because said package isn't completely secure." I whisper into my phone before my eyes looking in the rear vision mirror to make eye contact to the little brown haired blue eyed wonder.

"Okay Leon wants to tal-" Drew gets cut off with shuffling on the line before Leon's voice come through instead.

"Cass? Is he okay? I swear to god if he isn't I'll-"

"Yes, kinda, he's got a bruise on his arm and he's scared and wants his mum - which if I'm honestly I kinda do to even though she and my dad want nothing to do with me - especially seeing as I did that thingy to my twin" I state awkwardly.

"It's not the time for tha- Dammit Casey give me the phone back!" I hear Leon's voice in the background.

"Hey Cass, I've found a route for you, hopefully to get those tails gone- I- Leon! Fuck off! I'm trying to help!"

Go Case!

"Okay send me the GPS location" I state.

We quickly made our way to the safehouse, Casey was quickly able to help us get rid of the SUVs following us once he hacked the DMV and rerouted traffic.

"Hey little man? You ready to meet your daddy?" I ask Declan as I turned off the car and got out before opening his door and bending down to his level to unlock his seatbelt.

"Does he want me?" He asked in a small voice.

"Of course he does, he just wants to make you safe before he goes and gets mumma" I say as I picked him up.

A/n I'm going to just leave this like this and pick it up from Leon's POV next time.

Just to let you know that to extend the book even longer I am having a bunch of chapters in the other characters POVs they'll follow the story and have important info but I'm also just looking forward to hearing and seeing how they turn out.

I do have a couple of questions if anyone wants to help out!

Who do you see playing Italian bad guy Debaro?

Which 'side character's (excluding Drew + Cassidy) are you most looking forward to!?


Next chapter will be Lucy's POV

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