6. You Get Mumma Back For Both Us

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A/n HEY MY LOVELIES!! hope everyone is going well! It's 6 days until my 21st birthday and I'm super excited. I'm also going to have a double update to celebrate. So I'll be updating Friday 6th of September (my day of birth!) And my normal Saturday schedule (7th September)

Leon Artemis POV

"Leon calm down you're going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep pacing." Xander states.

We had made it into L.A. and to the safehouse quickly. As Archer promised, Casey worked constantly, trying to find any information on the men who took Lucy.

Cassidy had hung up the phone when I attempted to talk to her again. Drew went out to meet her halfway so they could ditch the car at one of Xander's Friend's chop shops to take it apart and get rid of it for us without drawing attention.

Archer and Casey sat on the couch. Archer had an arm around Casey's shoulder and hand him tucked under his arm while Casey was tucked up against him his fingers never lost speed when he typed away at the keys of his laptop trying to find where the assholes took Lucy. Alistair and Ethan were in the attached kitchen making food while Nico and Xander were sitting at the dining table going through one of their current cases.

"She- they should be here by now. She should have met up with Drew and they should have been here by now." I grunted out the words in agitation.

"Fucking dammit. Looks like I owe Cass another fifty bucks" Drew's mutterings cause me to spin on my feet.

Drew stood in front of me, giving me a small smile and a nod in the direction of the front door.

"Cass is getting Declan out of the car. He's pretty out of it, so it might be better if it was just you meeting him first." Drew states.

My eyes dart around to the boys who all stood and moved from their places before vacating the room, not before giving me a pat on the shoulder or a nod in my direction.

"Hey little man, you ready to meet your daddy?" Cassidy's voice echoed in the doorway.

Oh shit

Oh fuck

"Yes please!" A small voice giggled.

Cassidy appeared in the doorway holding a little boy with bright blue eyes with brown hair falling on his forehead.

Cassidy gave me a large smile before setting Declan down onto the floor.

"Hey little man, that's your daddy..." Cassidy bent down to his level and pointed her finger at me.

A pair of bright blue eyes that I grew to love from Lucy's stared at me. His eyes were filled with wonder, like he didn't believe I was real.

"Me and Drew are just going to be in the next room okay? Your daddy wants to talk to you okay." Cassidy and Drew stood and walked into the next room with the others.

"Hey-" I paused kneeling down to Declan "Declan?" I asked. He looked at me and slowly walked towards me.

In a moment flat he was squeezing my jacket in his tiny hands. Wrapping my arms around him I embraced his small figure.

"Daddy." It was a statement rather than a question. "I'm here my baby boy and I'm not going anywhere." I say as my voice cracks at the end.

We stay attached and I sat on the floor and pulled him into my lap. His little arms wrapped tighter around my neck.

Declan's shaky sobs filled my ears.
"Shh... It's okay, you're okay." I cooed as I squeezed him lightly.

He pulled away and took my face in his tiny hands. His eyes watered as his lip quivered.

"You get Mumma Back For Both Us" he whispered with a determined look on his face.

I pulled my hands from him and wiped his eyes with my thumbs.
"I promise." I whispered with the same determination.

"Daddy promised to get Mumma back." He whispered to himself as he hugged me tightly again.

"Do you want to meet your uncles? Hmm?" I proposed. Declan nodded his head into my neck as he sniffled.

"Common then." I stood up and walked him down the hall.

"IM GOING TO BE THE BEST UNCLE EVER GUYS! HE'S GOING TO THINK IM THE BEST! muhahahaha!" Archer's voice resonated through the door to the games room of the house

"That's your uncle Archer, he's a little weird." I say to Declan who giggles in response.

"Mumma talked bout him, and uncle Ethan and Drew." Declan stated though giggles.

A/n hey guys! Sorry but this chapter is a little on the short side! But as I said at the start of the chapter there'll be a double update next week for my birthday.

Also want to say... THANK YOU SO MUCH! TBILOL has hit over 1000 views. I'm also glad everything is enjoying it so far. Please comment and let me know what you think.


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