27. Shakira Shakira Bitch!

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A/n cause these hips don't lie!Gosh ain't I hilarious. I'm sorry, I'm sleep deprived. 🙃😆

Isabella De Luca POV

"Let go." I groaned as I attempted to pull my wrist from Alexi's grip - which was seemingly pointless as he just squeezed harder.

He growled lowly before shoving open a door and shoving me inside. I came in contact with a post of a four poster bed and groaned as my chest hit it forcefully taking my breath away.

"I'm going to have you one last time and kill you before your pathetic brothers get here. No one's going to save you." Alexi chuckles darkly.

He broke me years ago. But I won't let him break me now. Not when I'm so close to being free and seeing my brother's again.

"cazzo provami" (fucking Try me.) I sneer at him. He growls like a fucking dog.

Hehehehe ain't that the fucking truth.

He shakes his head before muttering. "disobedient bitch." Puffing out a breath before looking to face me again.

In a moment flat, he grabbed me by my face and made me look at him. Walking me backwards until the backs of my legs hit the edge of the bed he shoved me down and put his weight on me.

My breath was knocked out of my lungs as he began to undress me.

"Get off!" I yell, as I beat his chest with my fists and kicked my legs in any attempt to get him off me.

I groaned as I attempted to shove away his wandering hands as I held back the tears I wanted to cry.

Five years.

Five years I had been held captive by them, five years of beatings and assault.

My sanity was barely hanging on, it was hanging on by the thinnest thread, and with how close to being free I was.

It finally snapped.

I took a deep intake of breath before shuffling my knee to over his crotch. Bringing my knee up as forcefully as I could it came in contact.

Alexi let out a strangled groan of pain as his hands stopped roaming my body to hold his sore pin prick of a dick.

With all my might I shoved him off me and he fell off the bed. Jumping up I shuffled off the bed and grabbed a baseball bat that stood next to the desk within the room.

Spinning around I swung the bat and felt the ricochet up the bat and my arm, figuring out that it came in contact with his stomach.

"I hate you!" I yell as I swung again.

If you behave you'll get out of this without many bruises.

Obedience is the key to no punishments.

When will you learn! You belong to me! I own you.

Ha! No one will ever care for you.

Your brothers think you dead, no one is coming for you.

This is your life for the rest of your disgusting and miserable existence.

"Common!" I yell goading him to come at me. Alexi let's out a low groan as I pulled the bat away from his stomach and hit his back with it instead.

"Don't be so quiet! I want everyone to hear your screams of pain!" I yell as I recite his words he said to me when he beat and raped me over and over again over the last five years.

Alexi looks up at me. "Please! I- I'll do anything! Please! Enough!" He yells painfully. Blood poured from his nose as his lip bled.

I state at him for a moment before sneering "begging won't get you Fucking Anywhere." Another line he would state to me daily.

A forceful swing to his head had him unconscious. But I couldn't stop.

Pain. All my pain, hatred, fear and sorrow, a whirlwind of emotions hit me wave after wave as I kept swinging the bat and his unconscious body.

Droplets of something wet hit my face.


His. Blood.

The ringing in my ears was so loud that the only thing I could hear was the blood rushing to my ears.

-bella?" A muffled voice said.

I span around from Alexi's bloody body, holding the bat straight out as a weapon.

He raised his hands up in a non threatening manner.

"Easy, I'm with Cassidy, your brothers are on the way." He states. "-im Nico..." He trails off.

"Isabella..." I mutter quietly as I lower the bat. Nico nods once before gensturing to the bat.

"Might be good to keep that, get some more revenge on the other assholes hey?" He chuckled and I let out a small smile liking the sound of that.

Now we've just got to get out alive.

Wish us luck.

A/n hey guys, here a day or so early as I'm moving house tomorrow! Literally two houses away from where I am now. Hahaha! I'm still hoping to update next Saturday but I'll see how I go between work and moving.

Tank you all for the support!!


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