11. My Name Is Chelsea

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A/n well here is a weird as shit chapter for you all. It's weird and whacky but I enjoyed writing it. Anyways. Here you go. And enjoy!

Nico Skies POV

Oh shit.

Oh fuck.

Mamma Mia.


Shitaki mushrooms...

Alistair and Ethan stiffened when Alexi Debaro walked closer with clenched fists.

Jumping up from my position in the corner I awkwardly danced my way towards the group.

"Hey! That's my drink!" I snatched a woman's wine glass from her hand and drank it like it was a shot.

Mmmm fruity...

Handing it back over to her I gave her a wink, to which she giggled in return to me as I danced my way closer and closer.

"I said why are you asking about my brother!?" Alexi grunted.

If you thought about it he looked like a gorilla. With the clenched fists and and broad back he was a literal ape even down to the damn grunting.

Ah ha! Idea!

"Come dance with me ape man!" I stated with a fake drunk giggle as I sashayed between two of Alexi's men and grabbed his arm pulling at his sleeve.

His dark eyes swiftly moved to mine and I gave him a charming smile.

"My name's Chelsea! I know. I know. 'Thats a girl's name!'-" I state distastefully. "-my parents were assholes, but I think, my name breaks gender norms. And I've-" I sigh dramatically. "-ive been watching you all night surrounded by your sexy as hell security posè trying to scamper up the courage to ask you for a dance..." I mumble before pouting.

"What!? No!" He grunts as he shakes away from my grip.

I gasp. "Oh how dare you! You rude bastard!" I raise my voice.

"Excuse me?" He growls.

"You're excused! Maybe these lovely gentlemen will dance with me!" I scoff loudly as I grab both surprised Ethan and Alistair's hands and drag them off to the dance floor.

"Hey! I wasn't done with them!" He yells above the music.

I drag Ethan and Alistair towards a group of women.

"Oh please help!-" I cry.

"Oh sweetie what's wrong?" One of them asks.

"My-" intake a deep breath. "-my abusive ex boyfriend is here with his cronies and he's after me. And my boyfriend-" I squeezed Alistair's hand and pulled him closer to me "-hes threatened him! I don't know what to do!" I shakily sigh.

Top of class in drama my whole school life people! Yass!

"Oh hell no! Liana! Hold my earrings and get security this assholes bout to get an ass whooping!" The African American woman removes her large hoop earrings and hands them to her friend - Liana - who nods her head.

"Go get that motha fucka! Ellie!-" Liana turns to myself and Alistair. "-common sugar, we're friends with the bouncer Silas he can sneak y'all out the back entrance." She links her arm with Ethan's and pulls us along.

"YOU ABUSIVE BASTARD! COMMON'" I hear Ellie yell and turn my head to just see her throwing a punch right into Alexi's nose.

Damn girl.

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