16. You Deserve To Be Happy

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A/n hey y'all here's the next chapter. Nothing much else to say. Just enjoy!

Drew Garrett POV

"How's Cassidy?" Leon asks as I made my way to the Back verandah with my coffee and saw that Leon had thought the same thing.


"I'm sorry..." She mumbles so quietly I almost don't hear her.

"Don't you dare apologize. What did I say?" I look down at her to see her look down in her lap and pout.

"That you're here for me and that I shouldn't denounce my own feelings or trauma..." She mutters.

"And?..." I prompt.

Cassidy blows out a huffed breath "-and that it's not healthy to keep in to myself, that you love me and want to help me through it, that I'm not anything the people from my past said to me." She says quietly.


"She, she's as okay as she can be..." I trail off. Leon nods thoughtfully.

"I heard her last night, what was it?" He asks cautiously.

I sigh. "Everything, she was neglected by her parents, her twin was a psychopath and every past relationship messed her up somehow." I shrug before taking a sip of my coffee.

"She's lucky to have you." He mutters almost inaudibly

I make a distasteful look before turning to him. "She's lucky to have all of us. Including you." I state.

Leon rolls his eyes. "I kidnapped her and forced her to help us steal a necklace and kill her twin. How is it that she's 'lucky to have me'?" Shaking his head he lets out a breath as he turned back to the yard.

"Okay you know what? It is your fault Cassidy's like this, it's also your fault that Lucy was taken, it's your fault that you didn't look for her. Its your fault that you only just met your son."
I state angrily. This was the only way to get him to understand. He hates being blamed for things. And this way, if I get him angry enough he won't just deflect the topics but actually fucking realise that he deserve to be happy.

"The fuck Drew? This is a shitty pep talk!" He states angrily as he raises his voice.

"Its the truth isn't it? You want to be blamed so I'm blaming it all on you. Its what you want isn't it Leon?"

"What? No!" He furrows his brows at me before standing up and facing me.

"Oh common don't give me that look! You're already think it's all your fault and it is. I'm just telling you all the things you've fucked up..-" I put my cup down on the small table and shove past him and onto the grass of the back yard.

"Now wait a fucking minu-" I turn around to face him and see him asking his way down the small flight of stairs.

"Skylar's Crew ditching us because you thought it'd be a distraction to use their undercover."

"What? Skylar had her own issues going on!"

"When Archer took a bullet for you! And you just brushed it off!" I yell.

"He shoved me out of the fucking way! And he told me that he'd do it again! Because that's what friends do for each other!" Leon hissed

"The Stephen Street warehouse collapse! Because of your damn grenades!"

"I think you remember that I got us out by using the fucking grenades!" Leon's teeth clenched as he stared at me.

"Ethan's drug addiction!." Leon's eyes go wide as he clenched his jaw. It ticked.

"You know what I did! I sent him off to rehab! He hated me for months Drew! But we all agreed to it! As a group! I took the blame even though it was your idea in the first place!" Leon yells.

"Oh! So you prefered our friend overdose? Is that fucking it Leon?!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Of course not! You're all my fucking brothers! I'd do anything for any one of you! I'd do absolutely anything to make sure you were all fucking happy!" He yells as his voice breaks.

"You're allowed to be happy too." I sigh.

"No I'm not. Ive never been happy before so why the fuck start now." Leon chuckles bitterly.

"Lucy made you happy." I state.

"Declan makes you happy."

"I'd hope that we make you happy, maybe Archer a little less..."

"Fuck you Ethan."

Leon and I turn to see Cassidy, Ethan, Archer and Casey standing at the edge of the verandah.

"Leon we just want you to be happy." Cassidy states.

"Daddy!" We all turn around to see Declan running as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Making his way down the stairs he jumped into Leon's out stretched arms.

"Daddy! Uncle Xander Found mummy!" Declan shouted excitedly as Leon stood himself up with Declan and in his arms.

At that moment Xander and Rafael walked out of the house.
"Sorry Leon, Declan was hiding and over heard us. But we do have a location on where Lucy is."

A/n here you go! Sorry it's a little short (as opposed to other chapters.) But at least it's on time lol. Vote and comment and all that.
Things should pick up a little more soon.

This marks about halfway through the book I'd say. But it'll depend on how far I get through it.

Till next week guys!


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