2. I'm Blaming On Your Father

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A/n Hey everyone! Welcome back. This chapter will be introducing Lucy and adorable Declan. 

Lucy Anermo POV

It's been a long week. Weeks? Months? Fuck it. It's been a long five years. Declan is more and more like Leon everyday and it honestly hurts my heart. Those gorgeous blue eyes he got from me but his thick chocolate locks and sassy personality I'm blaming on his father. For a four year old he's way too smart. He seems to be able to pick up a change in tone of voice which often means he Steers clear of me when I'm annoyed or angry, or he'd go and pick flowers for me to make me feel better.


"Yes my little one?" I asked. We were in my apartment and I was making him breakfast

"I know what I want for my birthday..." Declan says quietly as he sits at the kitchen bench drawing.

"Oh? Are you sure it's what you want? I mean you're a growing boy. Turning four years old. It has to be special and something you really want." I turned away from the pancakes in the frying pan to send him a quick wink.

Declan giggled at my as I turned back around.

"So what do you want little one?"

"My daddy."

I heart dropped, as did the pan holding the pancake. The top of my hand touching the side of the hot pan.

"Ahh! fudge brownies. Fudge brownies." I hiss.

"Momma! Is you okay?" Declan began to fidget in his high chair.

"Hey baby, I'm okay, I just got a little ouchy." I went to the sink and fan my hand under the cold water relieving the stinging of the burn.

"Do-" I paused as I gripped the edges of the sink. Taking a deep breath and biting my lip as thoughts of Leon popped into my head "-do you really want your daddy for your birthday?" I asked breathlessly with my voice breaking at the end.

I miss him. I miss him so much. The hole in my heart grows every damn day. And Declan hasn't ever met him.

"Momma?" I turned around and saw him staring at me. "I sorry I mad you cry..." He whispered as tears filled his eyes.

Rushing over I unlocked his seat and picked him up. "No. Hey baby boy? Little one, it's just difficult okay? I know you want to meet him. And I miss him too. But remember what I said?" I asked.

"He helping people." Yes. Kinda. Probably not seeing he's a thief...

"Exactly baby. And I'm just not sure when you can meet him." I sigh. Declan wraps his little arms around my neck and placed his head there.

Another thing he got from Leon. The resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"I sorry momma."

"It's okay baby boy. Keep thinking about what you want for your birthday okay?" He nods again before kissing my cheek and wanting me to put him down.

My phone starts calling.

"Hey baby, your Saturday cartoons are gonna start, you go and watch the telly and I'll get this call okay?"

"kay Momma!" He was already off on his little legs heading for the lounge room.

I sigh.

"Hello?" I ask.


"Uhh hello?" I ask again.


"I-Who? Leon?" I whisper. Tears prick my eyes. As his voice greets me like a friend.

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