30. Being in Charge Sucks

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A/n honestly don't know if I'm going to post this early or really late. See how far I get! I also have no idea how many more chapters I'll write for this but we'll see how we go.

Anywho, here y'all go.

Cassidy Clarke POV

"I swear Leon, don't test me." I state as I state at Leon who seemed to just nod.

Good. I'm in charge!

Dang. I technically am in charge. Wow who would've thought.

"Hey! Little man!" Archer's voice came from the side of us. Drew pulled me into his arms and held me there for a moment.

We had made it to the cars we were only waiting for Nico to meet up with us before we could leave.

"Hey guys jump in the cars, Nico is coming this way." Turning out of Drew's arms he went for the driver's side door of the car next to us.

I turned to face Nico and the De Luca Brothers along with Isabella who was hugging one of her brothers.

Leon was helping Lucy into the car with Declan when I saw it.

When I saw him.

Demitri Debaro battered, bruised and bleeding but what I was focused on was the gun in his hand.

Aimed directly at Leon.

Everyone else were in their cars by this time. It was me. I could get there.

"Leon! Look out!" Ethan yelled, but I was already running. I heard doors opening and slamming shut.

The clicking of guns. Yelling.



My body collided with Leon's as I shoved him out of the way.

But not quick enough I guess...

I heard a scream.

Mine. It was my scream.

Pain resonated and rushed from one side of my abdomen to the other, it was like it was growing, veins or roots of pain spread.
My shoulder started to hurts, a sharp stabbing pain.


I saw red. I groaned.

Time slowed down, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

Numbed and echoed voices entered my ears as I looked down. My shirt was red. A crimson red and growing.

The blood was sticky. It stuck to my fingered as I grabbed the bloodied material...

I was falling now. Pain in my shoulder, pain in my stomach, they were throbbing in synchronisation.



"Stay with me-"

My eyes were blurring what was in front of me.


What's he saying?

My ears began ringing and I was brought back to the present.

"Ohhhh ffuuuccckkk...." A hand pressed to my stomach.

"Be-being in charge sucks..." I mutter I cough.

"Cassidy? Baby? I need you to look at me..." Drew had tears in his eyes.

"-she needs a hospital!-"

"I-I can't stop the bleeding-" Casey. I'm sorry Casey, you shouldn't have to deal with this.

"-get her in the car-"


I don't like the Dark. My sister would lock me in a closet because she wanted to spend time with our parents.

But the dark was peaceful.

"Cassidy-" oh I was floating now. But something was holding me, pushing the hair out of my face.

I'm tired.

"Cassidy-" my eyes opened. My Drew was staring down at me.

"I'm sorry?" I don't know why I was saying sorry. It just felt right. Like I had to.

Drew Garrett POV

Stupid. So fucking stupid. Why? Why did I get in the car first? Why?

"Cassidy-" Archer was driving, Casey in the front seat and Leon was in the back with me trying to keep her concious. He was holding something over her stomach as I applied pressure to her shoulder.

She had passed out roughly give minutes ago as we madly drove to a hospital. Damon had given us the address and had called. They knew we were coming.

Please. God please. Don't let me lose her too. I won't survive if she doesn't.

"Why...why the fuck would you do something do fucking stupid..." Leon was muttering to himself.

"Because she love you Leon. She loves you like a brother..." I mutter back lowly.

He lets out a groan of frustration.


"-here! Get her on the gurney!" We had made it to the hospital. Just barely.

I put her on the gurney and they wheeled her away. The voices echoed through my ears.

We'd been here for hours, my legs were numb, so was my butt. I hadn't moved from this old and uncomfortable plastic chair in the waiting room of the hospital.

She was in surgery. My Cassidy was in surgery. And I didn't know what to do.

Leon was wearing a whole in the floor Declan was asleep on Casey's lap, Archer had an arm around Casey. Ethan and Xander had gone to get coffees.

We were all numb.

I just pray. And I never pray. I just pray she comes out of this.

A/n well....uhhhh honestly not the update I intended got you nor the one I think any of you wanted sooooo....ahem...yes. I am so very fucking sorry.

I also am sooo very sorry for suck the delay of the update. With the pandemic and my university classes moving online and being an essential workern i haven't had much time for myself. I hope all of you are staying safe in this tough time.


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