17. Dirty-Minded Italian Ass Mafia-Man

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A/n hey guys! Sorry this update is a bit late tonight. But hey, it's still Saturday! Lol. Anyways I had to go and reread the book to make sure I didn't have any plot holes.

But I also just wanted to say thank you! For your comments! I love how you pick up on tv shows and characters that I talk about in the book along with all the pop culture references I have - most of which I totally unintentional! Kinda..okay I'm lying but whatever.

Also over this month (November) my updating schedule might be all over the place. Even though I'm going to try and still update every Saturday, I just wanted to warn you all.

But anyways on to the chapter!


~ Xander Costa (Sherwood) POV ~ because he be married guys!

After talking to Leon and everyone last night we decided that the best way in was for Cassidy to go undercover as a maid.

"Ah! Rafael my friend to what do I owe the pleasure?" My eyes narrow slightly as I stared over to him. The way he was looking at Raffy had my blood boiling.

He wanted to be more than friends. I could see it in his eyes. Bleh what a pig.

Why must I be a jealous asshole? Why?

Raffy grabbed my hand from underneath the table and squeezed it gently as I slouched slightly in the office chair.

Raffy and I had travelled to his office in L.A. in an attempt to talk to his Italian Mafia associates. For the past 3 hours we had been going through files on Debaro along with waiting to talk to his 'friends'. - or rather those who were allied to Raffy's family.

Damon De Luca being one of them.

"Damon, the pleasure is mine old friend, this is my Husband Xander." My eyes darted over to Damon as he sat down, I send a nod in his direction before going back to the file on Alexi Debaro that rested on my lap.

"Well isn't he handsome Rafael" Damon looked over to me again as I raised my head.

"So what is this about? You said it was urgent?" Damon stated as his associates stood behind him and one of them taking a seat beside him.

"We're in need of a favour, and with how you feel about the certain family I would assume you'd have no issue is helping us." Rafael stated.

I looked to Damon and saw a look of confusion on his face. Looking back to Raffy out of the corner of my eye he nodded his head for me to begin.

"We are needed your help to infiltrate the Debaro estate." Damon's eyes shifted quickly to mine.

"After what he and his family had done to your sister I would assume you'd want revenge." I state calmly and giving him a look of sympathy which he seemed to acknowledge and somewhat appreciate.

As far as blood feuds went, the De Luca and Debaro blood feud went deep. Presumably - as no body was found, Demitri's brother Alexi had tortured and mutilated Damon's Sister Isabella De Luca, at least that's what everyone assumed, I still had an idea that they kept her.

"Why are you going after Debaro?" Damon's associate asked from his seat.

"I'm friends with and work for Leon Artemis, head of the Devil's Posession, his girlfriend and mother to his son is Lucy Anermo, whom Demitri Debaro has kidnapped. I'm assuming you would have heard that Lucy and Debaro were excepted to wed roughly 5 years ago but Lucy ran away. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Lucy has been on her own with my friend's son. We have a location on Debaro and we need backup in case our incursion is discovered." I state.

Damon nods thoughtfully before asking "when so you begin your infiltration? And how are you going to be doing it?"

"We have found a way in - Rafael has spoken to someone on the inside of the Debaro estate and has - is 'hiring' a personal maid for Lucy to prepare her for her wedding which is set for 2 weeks from today. My friend and colleague, Cassidy, will go undercover as the maid.-" Damon's associate cut me off.

"You're letting a little girl walk in to the Debaro estate? Its a suicide mission." He chuckles.

I let out a humourless laugh. Before nodding thoughtfully "believe what you might, but Cassidy is a force to be reckoned with, especially with people who doubt her ability, she scored a 197 on the Training test." I shrug. He seems to freeze and presumably his training score was much lower than that.

"Our plan is to have Cassidy infiltrate and locate Lucy, and eventually we will need your help to get them out." I state.

"Okay. We will help, but. But, if you have the chance, Alexi Debaro is mine, I know you're wanting the least amount of conflict, but he's mine." Raffy nods thoughtfully to Damon's request.

"Alright, we have our hacker working on back stopping Cassidy's cover, we will contact you when we get in." Rafael states as Damon and his security detail depart.

"Now we just have to get Leon and Drew to actually agree to Cassidy going undercover." I sigh thoughtfully.

Raffy chuckles "that might be the hardest part of our rescue mission."

Ain't that the truth.

A/n hey guys! Here you go! Nothing much to say except thanks for reading and voting and commenting!


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