12. Oh Honey

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A/n Hey guys my updates might be all over the place for a few weeks as I have so many assignments for the end of the semester...this chapter is a bit on the short side cause I wasn't sure what to write or how to write it...



Lucy Anermo POV

Every muscle in my body hurt. Everything was stiff and I couldn't move even if I was untied.

"Sweetheart? Honey? God what did he do to you?..." A voice muttered.

Small delicate hands untied the strap of the gag and pulled it out before untying the rest of my arms.

Opening my eyes I will my arms to move me away. Still disoriented I shuffle away from the figure groaning at the tight muscles of my stomach and arms and legs.

"No no no no..." I mutter as I slid myself away from the figure.

"Oh honey, Lucy, Lucy Sweetheart look at me." Her arm wrapped around my shoulders and draped a blanket over them.

My eyes were blurry as I attempted to focus my eyes on her. My brows furrowed in confusion.

Demitri's mother?

I slid myself further away from her. It had to be a trick. When I was a child barely fourteen she came and visited my mother and me and told me how special her son was, how he would take care of me. What a load of shit that was.

"Lucy honey, I know I'm the last person you'd want helping you, but-" Francesca lowered her voice before continuing. "-Demitri will take care of you he's a good man..." She trailed off as I scoffed.

Before I had the chance to rebutt her statement she silenced me by a finger to her lips and shoving a phone into my hands. Looking down I saw a long message.

Francesca, it's Rafael Costa, there's not much to say apart from the fact that Demitri found Lucy Anermo. He's willing to do anything to get his position higher in the mafia, including taking Lucy to create an heir. I'm in contact with her man and his crew, he has their son - safe and sound -but we need someone on the inside to keep Demitri's advances at bay until we can locate and come and get her. I suggest you show her this message instead of talking to her as we don't know if they've bugged the room she's being held in. Keep her safe, and yourself safe

Underneath the message was a photo of Declan in his father's arms, their foreheads were touching, both were or had been crying and they both had smiles on their faces.

God I wish I was there to see that.

Francesca took the phone from my grip after having to pull a few time to remove it from my grasp.

She leaned in towards me. "Common' Honey, you get in the shower and I'll have a fresh set of clothes for you. I'm not going anywhere, and he's not going to do anything to you while I'm here." She whispered as she brushes my hair away from my eyes and wipes my tears.

I stand up off the bed on shaky legs as I pull the blanket tighter around my shoulders.

"Well hello mother." Demitri's voice sneers loudly causing me to spin around towards the door and attempt to cover myself with the blanket.

"Demitri dear." Francesca replies curtly as she takes my hand and attempts to move us towards the bathroom door.

"Mother, you have no business here." Demitri snips at her.

"Oh? I don't have any business here? If you planned to take her here and now you will lose the favour of her family!-" Francesca shouts causing me to flinch and try and pull my hand away from her.

"-you promised her family that you would find her and complete the union. Properly. If they find out you got her pregnant out of wedlock, we will have a war on our hands. You know just how old fashioned the Anermo family is. Now you work on your part and I will make sure that she is ready for you on your wedding night hmm?" Francesca proposes as I pull my hand away from her and look down towards my feet.

"The wedding will be in 3 weeks." Demitri states, causing me to whip my head up to look at him.

"I will never marry you!" I sneer at him.

"Ah but Lucy, this union is what both our families want. And since when did you ever think you have a voice, or a choice!" He laughs loudly.

Demitri shoves past his mother and corners me between the bed and a wall. Grabbing my wrist he shoves me into the wall.

"We will marry in 3 weeks and I will fuck you senseless in that bed until you pass out." He hisses at me as he tightens the strap of what I'm assuming is a tracker he was attaching to my wrist.

"vaffanculo!" (Fuck you!)  I yell as I spit in his face as pull my wrist from his grasp.

"cazzo cagna!" (Fucking bitch!) He yells as he backhands me and i fall against the wall clutching my burning cheek.

I glare at him with every ounce of energy and emotion I have.

He storms out of the room as I sit in the floor. Removing my hand from my now sore cheek I look down at my wrist and see the tracking bracelet locked in place and required a code to be removed.

Just fucking great!

"Lucy, honey, come shower. You'll have to play along with me okay? Its to keep you safe until Rafael and the others can find us. Demitri and his father had me blindfolded when they brought me here. I promise you will get back to your man and your little boy." She envelops me in a hug and I cry into her shoulder.

"I'm scared..." I whisper quietly into her shoulder.

"I know dear, but Leon Artemis isn't going to leave you here. I know that much honey. We both know that much." Francesca kisses the side of my head tenderly before helping me up.

A/n Hey guys! Sorry it's a little later than I anticipated. But here you go! It's still Saturday so I feel like I've accomplished something! Again I apologize for the shitty Google translate. If you know the translation(s) please let me know so I can fix them!!

I love you all so much and thank you so much for your support!!

Your votes and comments mean the world to me and honestly make my day!

Till next time guys


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