28. Bat Out Of Hell Bitch

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hey guys, honestly have no idea when this book is going to end so enjoy it while I still procrastinate how much longer I will write it.

Don't remember if I told you but I moved house over the last few days! Barely functioning at the moment but...

Don't know if you've all noticed but I like puns, jokes and just have a weird and seemingly dry sense of humour.

Y'all commenting on the funny parts saying they make your day and such make me so happy, especially with how I've been feeling lately. - Just my mental illness, but writing and knowing you are all loving and are appreciating it makes me write and this all makes me happy so I want to thank you all for that.

Anyways, here's the chapter.

Drew Garrett POV

As we finally pulled up to the gates of the estate, Archer slipped out the side door of the van and rigged the gate with explosives.

Damon De Luca and his brothers pulled up behind us in a dark sports car - the type and style uninteresting to me. As the line grew with several more cars, we were almost ready.

12 minutes. The worst 12 minutes of my life, and I've had a lot of bad minutes.

"It's all set to go." Archer states as he leans his head into the open window next to me. Archer jumps back into the side door of the van and we reverse back enough so we are out of the blast Radius.

Archer takes his seat in the middle of the left-hand side of our van in between Casey and our extra ammunitions and directly opposite Ethan who resided on the other seat on the right-hand side of the van.

Leon had broken god knows now many traffic laws to get us here but we still didn't know where and or how we were meant to get Cassidy, Nico – the fucking back from the dead bullshit – and Lucy, Declan and Isabella De Luca out of the Debaro estate.

Damon and his brothers along with Xander and Rafael were parked behind us. My eyes looked to the side mirror and I was greeted with the setting sun and the dim light of Rafael's headlights.

"its now or never" Leon states as he spares a glance to Archer in the rear-vision mirror.

"hurry up, I want to shoot some assholes" Enzo's voice rang through my earpiece followed by his younger brothers reply.

"I call dibs on fucking shit up with some booms brother" Dante laughs seemingly excitedly. He was masking his guilt.

The whole family is fucking wired – at least according to Rafael. But after loosing their sister five years ago they were clouded with rage. Rage and guilt. Dante was with his sister when she was taken. He was the one they were going to take – the youngest son. Dante was apparently the De Luca mafia's hacker. He had been monitoring and maintaining security for his family for years.

The Debaro crime family thought to use Dante to get through the De Luca security. Some 30-year blood-feud between both families. Dante hated himself. Isabella shoved him out of the way and they took her instead.

"Ready?" Leon states aloud.


"Damn Straight"

"Fucking Oath"

Different voices verbally agree to Leon's statement - from different mafia families whom Damon and Rafael had gathered for this attack.



Blinking away from the excess light in front of me, Leon puts the car into drive and leads our convoy into the Debaro estate.

"I feel Like we should be playing Highway to Hell... you feel me guys?" Archer chuckles.

"shut up Archer." Ethan Mutters.

Mere seconds later Highway to Hell by AC/DC plays through our ear-pieces followed by a loud cackling.

"Dante! For Fuck Sake!" Enzo's voice groans aloud moments after.

"How are we even related?" Damon mutters.

Archer Laughs loudly before stating "See! talent recognizes talent Ha!"


Cassidy Clarke POV

I guided Lucy and Declan through the halls and down a flight of stairs if was much to quiet so i was expecting for someone or something to go wrong.

"There they are!"

See! Told you.

Grabbing Lucy's forearm I pull her and Declan behind me as i raised my gun towards Alistair, and a few of his other men.

"Cassidy you wont be able to-" Lucy starts quietly behind me.

"-its fine. i got this. sorta, Kinda?"  i laugh nervously.

I can Totally do this. But a damsel in distress act can work wonders.

Alistair glares at me with unmeasurable anger.

"oh stop looking at me like that!" i groan. "-You have no reason to hate me!" i yell as i place my other hand onto the grip of my handgun.

Alistair grinded his teeth at me.

It was true. He had no reason to hate me. I did nothing wrong.


"It looks like you're in deep trouble now Alistair. You know what happened to the last person who went after Leon's and the Devil's Possession. I'm giving you this one chance. One chance to crawl and run away like the cockroach you are." I state firmly and forcibly.

He seemed to pause for a moment. Realising the gravity of his situation. Kyle and Grant were dead for what they did and it was only a matter of time for him.

Slowly he lowered his weapon. With his goons behind him he slowly backed away.

Jokes on him. Nico is that way and he wants his own revenge.

"Let's get you to your man shall we." I turn to Lucy to see her giving me a teary smile.

A/n heyo sorry it's a late evening update. But it's finished and it's here!! And I already have another update on the go for you!! Thank you again for being so patient with me and everything I've had going on.

Love you all!!


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