13. Needle In A Needle Stack

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A/n heyo everyone! I honestly have no idea where this story is going tbh but you're reading it so that's something! Ive had readers ask me questions about the story and to tell you the truth is that I honestly have no idea where its going and typically I'm just as surprised as y'all are with the things that happen.

Casey Michaels POV

"Its a needle in a damn haystack!" I grunt out angrily as I stare at the codes on my computer screen that didn't help us at all.

"Technically you'd be able to see a needle in a haystack, it's more like...a needle in a needle stack. Like a specific needle in a bunch of other needles." Cassidy states as she slumps back into her chair next to me.

"Alright miss genius." I mutter. Cassidy snorts in reply before sticking her tongue out at me.

It had been seven days since Alistair, Nico and Ethan had been to club Ember, it had also been a week since we had found Declan and Rafael had come to help us. Cassidy and myself had been working as much as we possibly could. Xander worked with Rafael and his associates. Leon's time was taken up by getting Declan settled. He had really fully taken on the full time dad thing and if I was honest I think it was the best thing for him. Drew was typically just training like he normally did. And Archer was typically glued to ky side when he wasn't told to do something by Leon, and even when he was Cassidy told him to bugger off anf that he was working him too hard. Not that anyone would stop trying to help though.

"What if we take a different approach? We start with known businesses and business associates of Debaros' and maybe we can find Lucy that way?" I propose.

We had had no luck whatsoever in finding out where they were holding Lucy. We assumed it would have been a house because Demitri would have had to keep up appearances with Lucy's family along with the rest of the Italian Mafia if he was to be in charge of a good portion of it. And if he kept Lucy in poor conditions he wouldn't have been able to sell it that she was to marry him.

Unlike the Debaro family, most of the other Italian Mafia families and the men of those families knew how to treat a woman with respect. At least that's what Rafael had told us three days ago.

"That might be a good idea, I was able to compile a list of businesses which Debaro has stakes in, even if we just find out his stakes in those businesses might allow us to find out how he links to other people, businesses and economies." Cassidy relays back to me.

Archer then decides to make his entrance and barges in through the closed door.

"Casey..." Archer flops next to me on one of the couchs in the library where myself and Cassidy had set up our monitors and tech.

Archer juts his bottom lip out and looks at me with his best puppy face.

"God. What do you want now?" I groan out loud even though I was amused by his childish behaviour.

Archer grins before plucking my laptop off my lap and placing it on the coffee table. Furrowing my brows in confusion I look at him to see if he was actually going to get to what he wanted from me.

Soon enough he lays down on the couch beside me and places his head in my lap.

"Umm...what is it exactly do you want?" I trail off, confused and somewhat aroused by the situation.

Archer takes my hand and places it on his head with a boyish grin. "Attention." Was his reply. A similar grin makes its way to my face.

"And that's all you want?" I ask as i run my hands through his hair and he closes his eyes in content.

"Well now that you mentioned it, there is something else..." Archer opens his eyes and looks up at me.

"Will you officially be my boyfriend?" Archer's eyes twinkle as he looks up at me.



Excuse me?

"Umm..excuse me?" I ask. Cassidy begins laughing loudly near us before she yells "Drew! Ethan! Y'all owe me fifty bucks!"

"You bet on us?" Archer asks.

"Yes." I reply.


I feel heat rise to my cheeks. Clearing my throat I reply "yes I'll be your boyfriend..." I barely mumble out the words.

Archer makes a girly like squeal and pulls me down and kisses me.

"You guys go do you, I've got it from here." I pull away breathless, "are you sure? We can umm...do stuff later?" I propose more as a question rather than a statement.

Cassidy chuckles darkly. "It's fine. Besides...I doubt Archer will be comfortable with that tent in his pants." She Snickers.

My eyes dart to the tent she was describing.

"Thank you Cass, we'll be going." Archer mutters happily before pulling himself and myself off the couch.

A/n sorry it's late tonight guys. Been doing uni assignments as such. Here you go! I'ma try and get the next chapter organised so I can just post it straight away next week.

Till next time!

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